Posts Tagged «Cathy Horyn»

New York Fashion Weak
WTF! Has the world gone so topsy turvy that gross is the new black? When I read Cathyn Horyn’s bit in The New York Times about how mundane the first few days of New York Fashion Week were, I had to see for myself since I am lolly gagging in Venice Beach for the winter rinsing off the many prior New York Fashion Weeks for a cleansing moment. Upon perusing some of the collections via Women’s Wear Daily, or my inbox from a host of publicists, I was horrified at much of what I saw. Not everything, but enough… Read More »

The Marc & Myra Show
Ruth La Ferla of The New York Times Style talks about how prevalent the 1970’s are this fall season. “The ’70s have been revisited time and again in more recent decades, but not with the conviction demonstrated on the runways of late.” Besides in fashion, there are other nods to the period that depict one of the most creative eras in New York’s history. Ruth also mentions The Marc & Myra Show on Sirius Radio, a radio show that features Studio 54 survivors, Marc Benecke (doorman) and Myra Scheer (keeper of the VIP List), who worked at the infamous club.… Read More »
Ann Coulter Is Not A Style Icon
So why on God’s green Earth did The New York Times Style do a piece on her for that section? It baffles me. Here you have the end of fashion week, amazing contributors like Cathy Horyn (who I could listen to for hours on end) and Eric Wilson, who traipse around to all the shows, must have unprecedented access so many stories and interviews in their luggage. So what, we need to read about a bunch of conservative gays…an oxymoron…that are all a twitter…literally and figuratively…because Ms. Ann Coulter is coming to speak to them at some have baked rally?… Read More »

The 11th Commandment
Thou Shalt Not Take The Name Of Elizabeth Taylor In Vain When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the Fifteen Commandments, as depicted in Mel Brooks‘ History of the World Part 1, there were five commandments that never saw the light of day. (Watch this short clip to learn about this little known biblical fact in Exodus 20:2–17.) httpv:// Anyhoo, one of those laws as commanded by the Lord himself was: Thou shalt not take the name of Elizabeth Taylor in vain. Sadly, we have become a society not dissimilar to those Israelite hedonists running rampant in the desert,… Read More »

Kernels of Dish (Tuesday)
httpv:// Kylie’s new video…what do you think? I am feeling Fire Island Morning Party. Fergie, Fergie, Ferige. Yowza McGee. – D LISTED Liz Taylor is sharing her private letters from Richard Burton with Vanity Fair. A far improvement to the current gay porn cover. – HUFFINGTON POST Cathy Horyn laments that there are no more Tom Fords laying around. – NY MAGAZINE… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Saturday)
Has the rose fallen off the bloom? These new episodes of Jersey Shore Meets Miami better be hilare. – NY DAILY NEWS Michael Lohan needs to get out of the public eye and skank off into the sunset and away from Lindsay and Ali. Meanwhile where is Orange Oprah in all of this? – US MAGAZINE Just had to share this photo that my assistant Ryan has posted on his Facebook wall of…yes…that is Britney Spears. – FACEBOOK Thank you Cathy Horyn from The New York Times, On The Runway, for sharing this gem. – YOU TUBE In other Lindsay… Read More »

Each season, Karl Lagerfeld does an amazing collection for Chanel that editors wait for with baited breath as the grand finale of Paris Fashion Week. Once again, he delivered the goods and the spectacle. For the last few seasons, he’s been throwing some men’s looks into the show as eye candy. Speaking of eye candy, seems like Karl is obsessed with model, Baptiste Giabiconi. Yes, he is a tasty morsel of sugary goodness, but this Fall ’10 collection has him dressed in all sorts of furry nonsense, and I am not loving his tragically fashionista hairdo. I remember the Eskimo… Read More »
Twice this week, Cathy Horyn from The New York Times Style Section has mentioned Zoe Saldana in relation to attending New York Fashion Week events and in both cases…she got it wrong. How does that happen? Cathy Horyn is like the goddess of The New York Times Style. Her sensual, melodic voice recapping each the season’s collections lulls me into a trance that makes me remember why I love fashion. But girl…stop referring to celebrities. It is beneath you. And (B) at least get your facts straight. EXHIBIT A: Tommy Hilfiger had the last word at Fashion Week, closing the… Read More »
The Art of Front Row
The other day I wrote a piece about the lack of factual information being bandied about regarding the fees that celebrities are charging to attend the New York fashion shows. did a really sloppy report on these supposed costs and random facts about talent. I just read Cathy Horyn‘s column in The New York Times Style, and she too, like has some information that is questionable and quotes from people that should just not be listened to. The worst part of all this is it is a bad reflection on the industry, which right now does not need… Read More »
I loved reading today’s article by Cathy Horyn about Miss J Alexander and his new book Follow The Model. Now this is a story for the The New York Times Style Section that makes perfect sense. It has been a while since I questioned The New York Times Style Section for their questionable entries. However, today I am left scratching my head about the article, Breast-Feeding the Baby, Love the Calorie Burn. Now, let me say up front, that I consider myself to be the “uncle of the world”. Having six glorious nieces and nephews that I maintain a close… Read More »