Posts Tagged «Charlie Sheen»

Kernels of Dish (Sunday)
And finally, watch this touching Gorillas in the Mist-like tidbit from deep in the jungles of Africa. Sob central… httpv://… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Friday)
Met Crystal Bowersox yesterday who is so beyond lovely…I can’t stand it. Rumors that she wanted to quit AI abound…but my money and heart is on her. – TMZ Lindsay Lohan’s next gig playing Linda Lovelace? That would be so major…it’s beyond. – NY POST These schizophrenics (who I am sure are lovely people) are the lead story in The New York Times Style Section. How schizophrenic is that? – NY TIMES says skinny jeans are out and big flare bottoms are in. Agree or disagree? – STYLE.COM Brooke Muller has loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly…Hills… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Wednesday)
The Charlie Sheen & Brooke Mueller saga of tremense proportions is never going to end. Surely not on a good note. -DISH RAG Kara DioGuardi is smokin’ hot. The hottest thing on American Idol for damn sure. – HUFFINGTON POST What to wear to Coachella? G-STAR cool as ice denim ensemble…what else? I MEAN…WHAT?!? Kate Gosselin may be annoying to many…but I have to actually hand it to her…she knows how to play the media better than…like…anyone. – PEOPLE Move over Darth Vader…Sarah Palin is the new Leader of the Evil Empire. – GAWKER Are you on Twitter? Click here… Read More »
Yesterday, I announced my newest nominee for Gross Baboon of the Year with the news of Jesse James and his uber-skank Michelle “Bombshell” McGee (a.k.a. Skanky McGee, in my book). But the competition continues to be fierce for that award. Today, it’s all about Joslyn James, from the quorum of bosomy broads who diddled with Tiger Woods‘ doodle…or is it doodled with his diddle. Actually, neither, if you go by the salacious texts that poor, little victim of poontang, Joslyn endured…then released to the media…really?!? Who can feel sorry for anyone that makes choices with open eyes and hires someone… Read More »
I have been waiting for someone to break the story about the Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller sex scandal for weeks. My source told me all the salacious dish about their drug-induced, hyper-active sexcapades but asked me not to share it with my lovely readers. Well, now that RadarOnline has done so, I am happy to spill what I know. First of all, when the Christmas interlude between the two of them went down, there was something amiss about the whole incident. With twin babies nestled in their beds on Christmas eve, what could have possibly been going on downstairs… Read More »
Charlie Sheen Back In Rehab?!?
Remember Christmas? So much drama happened this past holiday, and I don’t mean your traditional family dinner with cursing and yelling and depression. That is child’s play compared to the near fatal plane crash by terrorist slash underwear model Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab. And what about that nativity scene at the Charlie Sheen mansion in Aspen when Chuckles was charged with a felony menacing and misdemeanor assault after he allegedly attacked his wife, Brooke Mueller. He was reported to be drunk at the time. Who can wrap their minds around either of those situations? There are eery likenesses to the… Read More »
What do Jon Gosselin, Hailey Glassman, Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller have in common? The fact that they are common. Longtime nobody Hailey Glassman has figured her way back into the media glare and boy, must she be in pig heaven. Well, if the shoe fits. We now have a story that she ransacked Jon Gosselin‘s, (the other pig in this story) New York City apartment, leaving a threatening note at the end of a knife. Ooooh….chills. The antics that these two (remember, water seeks its own level) gross baboons have been up to since they first made the scene… Read More »
I don’t know who I fear most: Nigerian bankers, (surely American bankers give me the willies), or Yemenites or Charlie Sheen, and while I’m at it…Ivana Trump. Starting with Ivana. I actually share her sentiments with her yelling at a baby on board a flight from Florida to NYC yesterday. You know that feeling, once you are comfortably seated on the plane and some third world mother and her kid(s) or worse, a white woman and one kid, one who has not yet heard the word “no” plops down alongside you…well…it puts me over the edge anyway. And, apparently Ivana,… Read More »
The Different Ways Humans Spend Christmas: Charlie Sheen vs. Jasper Schuringa
Let us take a moment to observe the human species. You know, the mere mortals that plod along, making hay while the sun shines and other such honorable activities. Now, let’s take two such humans, and see how they spent their Christmas. This might shed some light on the condition we call human, while identifying the the difference between a good guy and a member of the “Lucky Sperm Club”. Our first human is Jasper Schuringa, a little known, rather, completely unknown film director wanna-be from Holland, who happened to be on that potentially doomed Delta flight from Amsterdam to… Read More »