Posts Tagged «chris benz»

The good news is that Barbie (Barbara Millicent Roberts) is not really running for President of the United States. In fact, Barbie is the first “thing” to have signed up to join the I Mean What Party to Re-Elect Barack Obama. Contrary to today’s news reports—we all know you can’t believe everything you read—there is no way Barbie would for President. She has far more important things to do like lay on the floor in a suburban den. Even more ridiculous is the idea of Ken (Kenneth Carson) as FLOTUS. Can you see it now… Michael Bastian running to dress… Read More »

There is not much to say. This Not Best Dressed List has become a staple in the I Mean…What?!? universe and shall stay in place forever. Why? Because so many fashionistas are clueless. Or just not brilliant. Words speak volumes, but pictures tell the story. Without any further ado, here are this year’s entries onto The CFDA NOT Best Dressed List for your perusal. Follow us on Twitter or Like Us on Facebook.… Read More »