Posts Tagged «Chuy Bravo»

Co-Founders, Darryl “DMC” McDaniels (Run DMC AND Rock and Roll Hall of Famer) and Sheila Jaffe, (Emmy Award winning Casting Director of “The Sopranos” and “Entourage”) are both adoptees who have searched for their birth families. Darryl and Sheila decided to start THE FELIX ORGANIZATION/ Adoptees For Children in February 2006. Penny Marshall directed their PSA starring Ryan Kwanten, Steven Tyler, Beverly D’Angelo, Carrie Fisher, Dan Aykroyd, Chuy Bravo, Jim Belushi, and many more.… Read More »

Snooki Jeans?
I have worked with cool denim brands over the years. Was intimately involved in the launch of the “Baggie Jean” for Sasson, not to mention the iconic “Ooh La La Sasson” campaign in the 70’s. For the past five years have raised the profile of Amsterdam-based G-STAR here in the United States through strategic partnerships and events. This background gives me the right to be in shock and awe after reading that Schnooki, I mean… Snooki is licensing jeans, among 50 or so other categories. Snooki Jeans? Really? First of all Google Snooki – Images and see for yourself, SHE… Read More »

What do Chuy Bravo and Andrej Pejic have in common? … Read More »