Posts Tagged «CNN»

Handsome Anderson Cooper no longer belongs on CNN, the Certainly Not News, or better yet, Crap Not News network. It has become a poor excuse for what a real news station should be.… Read More »

Donald Trump: You’re Fired
There is a Facebook page called Donald Trump: You’re Fired! that’s been laying dormant for the past two years. Please post your comments, upload stories, LIKE it, SHARE it, do whatever voodoo that you do so well…… Read More »

Candy @CrowleyCNN kicked a different kind of ass than @MarthaRaddatz but kicked ass just the same. Give me a Binder Full Of Women any day.… Read More »

I want to be Mary Alice Stephenson when I come back to Earth in my next life. Tall, blond, female, smart, beautiful, industrious, glamorous…need I say more? Either I want to be just like her or a French poodle in a Jewish household on Long Island. Both lives are charmed. I met Mary Alice at a fund-raising event…you see…she is perfect…and we have since kept in touch. Recently, we both were speaking on a panel about the future of the fashion industry. There she was, clad in red Calvin Klein fierceness. I mentioned interviewing her for IMW-TV, though at that… Read More »
Are you people nuts? Sarah Palin resigned. That is the good news. What’s with the judgments and criticisms? It’s further proof that we, as a nation, consistently look a gift horse in the mouth, or, bite the hand that feeds us, whichever of those expressions apply. She’s a nut bag, she resigned, now can we please get back to which suit Michael Jackson will wear to his grave? The thing that no one really wants to say here is that Sarah Palin is beyond brilliant. Beautiful and smart. Oh, yes smart…as a whip. Not in a bookish way. But in… Read More »
Excuse me…but…can we please, at least, begin to move on from this Michael Jackson Celebrity Death Match? I know, it’s sad. Death as a concept is sad. Yes, I believe in the after-life, but that doesn’t mean I want to get there any sooner than need be. So, for now, death is still sad. But I think it is time to move on. Ok, day 1, the shock. I get it, lots of news. Day 2, details emerge, some stories abound. Day 3, the family speaks. I remember when my father died, also at 50 years of age, I couldn’t… Read More »
Upon reading the dismal report on Anderson Cooper’s ratings woes, I wanted to give CNN a heads up on what they can do to sway the tide. First of all, Anderson Cooper is adorable. And when he is reporting from New Orleans, or Iraq and even the top of the Beverly Center in Los Angeles, that’s when he is most compelling. Also, you can’t compare the bubble that we were in during the most exciting election cycle in U.S. History. Of course his ratings from that period could not be sustained. What makes Anderson interesting besides his crisp, clear blue… Read More »