Posts Tagged «eek»

Are Al Qaeda A Bunch Of Manzies?!?
The least of Pakistan’s problems is the recent discovery that Osama Bin Laden was living high on the hog in the midst of their military retirement village. As Bill Maher so eloquently put it on Real Time this past Friday, “Let’s not call Bin Laden’s compound a mansion, it looks more like a five story tenement in Van Nuys.” One would have to agree there. No, what the Pakistanis have to be far more concerned about are their dueling Fashion Weeks. Yes, as Mercedes Benz Fashion Week has inspired even third world countries to get on the fashion stick, Pakistan,… Read More »
P. Diddy Gets A Police Escort
There are certain things that I do not need to know, like who designed Kate Walsh‘s jewelry when she is on some red carpet. Well, or anyone’s jewelry on a red carpet come to think of it. Sure. I like to know who designed the dresses, but the jewelry? Who cares? It’s not like the TV viewing audience is running to Google Neil Lane and ordering the diamond encrusted emerald earrings. For the most part, that information is blather. In this age of celebrity hounding, there’s way too much information out there and it is really getting nauseating. It makes… Read More »

Karl Lagerfeld For Magnum…Yikes Or Eek
httpv:// Last night at dinner, my friends and I got into a heated discussion on the difference between “yikes” and “eek”. These are two of my favorite expressions, with eek being the more recent entry to the list of Abe-isms. They both apply to various situations that express discontent with a situation or person. When using yikes, there must have a hint of humor in the situation at hand. Celebrity fashion designers are yikes. Whereas some celebrities, like Charlie Sheen, are an eek. Comprendevous? Anyhoo, speaking of yikes and eek, I watched one of the Karl Lagerfeld videos for Magnum… Read More »

Cecilia Cassini…Eek
Are you ready to cringe? httpv:// Just so you all know, my newest, favorite expression is “EEK” and though I rarely use exclamation points, in the case of Cecilia Cassini, EEK! Sure, it is very admirable that a ten year old has a vocation but in this instance, a muzzle would be the must-have accessory for this tangerine. (Click that word to know what I mean by tangerine or see below.) The dress Cecilia is wearing on the purple carpet looks like a costume from a kindergarten play. Throwing butterfly wings on a dress otherwise worn by one of the… Read More »