Posts Tagged «Ellen DeGeneres»

GLAAD AWARDS UPDATE: Out of the blue, Cher pops out on stage, and apparently was not expected. But, it wasn’t just Cher who appeared on stage like a vision from the gay Gods, but Cher in a Diana Ross wig. I couldn’t breathe. Nor could anyone else.… Read More »

What I would really like to know is, how many gay people have mothers that are members of the group One Million Moms? The brouhaha that is currently brouhaha-ing between J.C. Penney and Ellen DeGeneres seems like such a weird non-starter. But since we are in a political year, the evil-doing Republicans have captured the media’s attention with all their retarded Presidential Debates. Even horny at-home moms want in on the media action. And (B) just because the organization is called One Million Moms, does not make for one million actual moms. Betcha it is more like the number that… Read More »

Bully For You, Tracy Morgan
I did a piece on Bullying last year, around the time I was on the committee for Stomp Out Bullying. Seems like this conversation will never end so I am hereby reissuing it below. As someone who was bullied, it is my responsibility to continue to speak out against it. In regards to the Tracy Morgan flap, who surely spoke like a douche bag, he also happened to crack a hilarious joke. One of my saving graces during my bullying years was my ability to laugh in the face of danger. Humor is a great weapon against bullies. Bullies are… Read More »
Is it me or does it feel like “coming out season” is under way in Hollywood? Since that NOH8 campaign started featuring weird straight people like Rachel Uchitel and Meghan McCain, it seems like gay stars are flying out of the closet in record speed. Ellen Degeneres paved the way for stars to see a clear path to success on television by being out and proud. That, and a few cosmetics contracts make Ellen the high-priestess of gay marketability. It used to be that stars would remain tucked away in the closet for fear of ruining their careers just by… Read More »
This is the least interesting update on the planet Earth. Earlier I wrote about the pending homosexual announcement of a major star on the cover of People magazine. Well, TMZ, (Lord knows they are the go-to site for realness) is claiming that they have solved the mystery and the person coming out of the closet is none other than…drum roll please…Chely Wright. Who? Chely Wright. Who? Chely Wright. You are kidding me that someone with such limited national appeal is making this tragic, overblown PR scam. Chely Whatever-Her-Name-Is is a friggen country western singer. Now, if she was coming out… Read More »