Posts Tagged «j crew» quoted someone that was walking out of the J. Crew presentation saying, “Best show of New York fashion week.” Naturally they did not attach a person’s name with such a ridiculous remark. When the Gap, Banana Republic and J. Crew position themselves as a viable brand to take a slot during fashion week (New York, Paris whatever) they contribute to the watering down of Fashion Weeks in general. I get it, you want that press and attention. And surely it is a smart move. But sucking the wind out of the room, or the market, might be advantageous in… Read More »

There is not much to say. This Not Best Dressed List has become a staple in the I Mean…What?!? universe and shall stay in place forever. Why? Because so many fashionistas are clueless. Or just not brilliant. Words speak volumes, but pictures tell the story. Without any further ado, here are this year’s entries onto The CFDA NOT Best Dressed List for your perusal. Follow us on Twitter or Like Us on Facebook.… Read More »