Posts Tagged «Jennifer Lopez»

Juliette Lewis & Musicares
When asked what charity Juliette Lewis would like to highlight on the new, improved I Mean What, Musicares was top of mind. … Read More »
Karl Lagerfeld: Bitch Stole My Look
Stop the presses! Forget the dresses and the heels and the tousles of hair and the glittery eye shadow from the Costume Institute Gala. We have something far more riveting to discuss. What, pray tell is more important that Anna Wintour, Bee Shaffer and Jennifer Lopez combined? Well, Karl Lagerfeld, of course. No, not because of Blake Lively and her cascading red ‘doo or her toga-style Chanel number. Rather, from Karl himself. From the moment Karl stepped onto the Red Carpet wearing that Tom Ford tuxedo, I was awestruck. Why? Well, let us go down memory lane and see the… Read More »
I Mean..What?!? loves a good best dressed list…but there’s nothing like the exact opposite to warm the cockles of our heart. That and Suzy Menkes. Of all the film festivals…and there are millions these days because all you need is a Chamber of Commerce and ta-da…but I digress…the Cannes Film Festival is the one where fashion really matters most. Sure the films are important too, but there’s no red carpet other than the Oscars that commands such drama. Sorry Emmys and Golden Globes…get over yourselves. Anyhoo, I could not help noticing a few fashion faux pas from the AmFAR Benefit…probably… Read More »
Shopping At The Movies
There is no doubt that the future holds many keys to the age old question: Where can I find that dress that So-n-So was wearing in that movie I saw last night? As technology marches on, you can be rest assured that the movie going experience is headed in the direction of “escape to the movies for retail therapy”. We are talking about a far more sophisticated situation that what we have now, which is that tacky, knock-off, dress company ABS by Jewish Guy that gets featured on The Insider the night after ever big award show. “Wanna look like… Read More »
No Faith In This Hill
Help…I am drowning in a pool schmattas designed by celebrities. Someone throw me a line…and not a line designed by a celebrity. Unless you have been living under a rock, you would have noticed that a slew of celebrities have taken to multitasking, branding, adding layers to their illustrious careers by cultivating their secret childhood fantasies of becoming fashion designers. Literally every week I report on another astonishing member of this new clan of celebrities, who we can lovingly call brand whores. Every entertainment management firm is out there selling their talent to anyone that will pay anything, in an… Read More »

Can You Believe?
V is For Victory for Tubby…I mean…Voluminously Voluptuous Women. To be clear, V Magazine is doing a whole issue with plus-sized models. This is a major statement for the normally anorexic audience that reads most uber-fabulous glossies. Didn’t they all start the trend in vomiting and other such lovely feats of strength to look thin and gorgeous. As a past fatty, I am glad that V is willing to dedicate this much attention and resources to acknowledge this audience. I just wonder if it will be the token fat issue and never again will we see an unsightly bulge…except in… Read More »