Posts Tagged «Jessica Simpson»

Who watched Fashion Star? OK, don’t admit it. I am kinda embarrassed to say that I tuned in. The format of Fashion Star is a bad combination of Let’s Make A Deal meets Antiques Roadshow meets To Tell The Truth. They should re-name the show Have I Got A Schmatta For You. First of all, the little vignettes about each “designer’s” life is so uninteresting, it makes the American Idol visits to the finalists high school seem riveting, comparatively speaking. Attention: Television Producers… no one cares about these obscure hopefuls. I did not care about them on that show Scouted… Read More »

Let me be the first, well, perhaps the second person to congratulate Macy’s for doing a fashion-focused series of collaborations to generate heat and foot traffic. The newest collab is with Giambattista Valli for Impulse. All I can say is that creating fashion designer collaborations sure beats the celebrity-turned-designer nonsense from seasons past. Sure, Jessica Simpson is a billion dollar brand, but there will always be exceptions to every rule. With the demise of the Sarah Jessica Parker for Halston hullabaloo, maybe the fashion industry can rejoice and enjoy fashion designers again. And while I am at it, perhaps with… Read More »

The Halston Hullabaloo
Gee, tell me something that I couldn’t have told you over a year ago when the Halston land grab was originally getting under way. Women’s Wear Daily reports that Sarah Jessica Parker and Harvey Weinstein are out at Halston. Why isn’t anyone saying, “Why were they in, in the first place?” The celebrity fashion designer phenomenon was in full boom right after the economy tanked and by 2010, there were more celebrities hawking schmattas then members of the CFDA. My guess is that all it takes are two lame seasons and the proof is in the pudding. Sure, there will… Read More »
I love Jessica…arrest me. She bumped into her ex…this is news? My birthday is news! – JUST JARED Courtney Loves says ugly girls are better poontang. OK… – PAGE SIX Whatever Lola wants…which one is Lola? Tom Cruise or Katie Holmes? – POP CRUNCH Anna Wintour cuts the rug with P. Diddy after the Costume Ball. – RAP-UP Donny Osmond’s poster was sued as a….you won’t believe it. Read this. – D LISTED… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Monday)
Beyonce and Jay Z are moving to Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. – HUFFINGTON POST Rest in peace Lynn Redgrave. You will always be my Georgy Girl. -D LISTED Pearls of wisdom from Kelly Cutrone on what not to do. – NY MAGAZINE Jessica Simpson = Michelle Obama?!? – PEOPLE A new gross baboon. Larry King’s kids’ little league coach to pose for Playgirl. – GAWKER Click here to follow I MEAN…WHAT?!? on Twitter.… Read More »
No Faith In This Hill
Help…I am drowning in a pool schmattas designed by celebrities. Someone throw me a line…and not a line designed by a celebrity. Unless you have been living under a rock, you would have noticed that a slew of celebrities have taken to multitasking, branding, adding layers to their illustrious careers by cultivating their secret childhood fantasies of becoming fashion designers. Literally every week I report on another astonishing member of this new clan of celebrities, who we can lovingly call brand whores. Every entertainment management firm is out there selling their talent to anyone that will pay anything, in an… Read More »

Kernels of Dish (Wednesday)
You must watch this Taiwanese boy sing I Will Always Love You. Move over Susan Boyle and Whitney Houston for that matter. -DLISTED In more vomitous news, Jon Gosselin is seeking full child custody from bad dancer, Kate Gosselin. Yes, she’s annoying, but okideer. -NY DAILY NEWS Brech. This is that Robert Joe Halderman who blackmailed David Letterman. He now has a new girlfriend. (A) Who cares and (B) Truth to my mother’s saying, “There is a cover for every pot…belly. -PAGE 6 Jessica Simpson (luv hu), whose brilliant media comeback by doing The Price of Beauty, is already paying… Read More »
Oh man. Will the celebrity-turned-designer cycle ever stop? Or at least slow down? Everyday this week, Women’s Wear Daily has reported YET another celebrity-designer collaboration, which is beginning to make my skin crawl. Must every actress try her hand at designing (and I use that term loosely here) a capsule collection? The only capsule I am interested is one that can be washed down with fluids and alter my reality. But the new reality world of celebrity designers is like living in Bizarro World. We now have Sarah Jessica Parker heading up the Halston legacy (click link for yesterday’s IMW… Read More »
Here we go again. Just what we need, another celebrity cum laude fashion designer. Enter Katie Holmes. When will the world learn that “celebrity designer” is an oxymoron. Yes, there are designers that by sheer virtue of their brilliance and craft become celebrities…and rightfully so. Karl Lagerfeld, John Galliano, Donna Karan, Ralph Lauren, you know who belongs on that list. And it’s really not that long a list either, if you ask me. Sure there are a lot of “designers” who are really good, and a slew who think they are brilliant. They are just over-glorified dress makers. For them,… Read More »