Posts Tagged «Katy Perry»
Katy Perry Purrs
Have you considered how much money, time, thought, conversation, discussion, testing…not to mention the amount of focus groups, arguing, and overspending that goes into the development and marketing of a celebrity fragrance? One could compare the energy and cost of a single celebrity fragrance to…well…let’s see…the war in Iraq? Years and years of tireless effort…for what? What I wouldn’t do to be a fly on the wall for any one of these projects from its inception to the official launch event. I Mean…What!? has done piece after piece on celebrity fragrances and now that Katy Perry’s Purr is out there,… Read More »
Men’s Make-Up
Finally, men can come out of the closet…and we are not talking about their sexuality here, rather, that men can openly say they use cosmetics and still maintain their butchness…ish. The New York Times Style section has an article about the rapidly growing market of cosmetics created exclusively for men. I love that the evolution of man boils down to his desire to maintain his youth and beauty. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. On the contrary. When men became admitted metrosexuals…though I prefer the term Manzies for this purpose…all bets were off. Suddenly, “straight” men were allowed to… Read More »
Far be it from me to be a buzz kill, however, last time I checked we were still in the middle of two wars. Though the Afghanistan debacle is kind-of top-of-mind, we still have the Iraq situation, which gets very little media play…despite the fact that the July death toll there was the highest in two years. But, what do I know? Let’s just discuss the big news items of the day as though they are real hard-hitting news items. Hmmm, where shall I start? BREAKING NEWZZZ: Lindsay Lohan is able to smoke cigarettes while in rehab? How’s that for… Read More »

The 11th Commandment
Thou Shalt Not Take The Name Of Elizabeth Taylor In Vain When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the Fifteen Commandments, as depicted in Mel Brooks‘ History of the World Part 1, there were five commandments that never saw the light of day. (Watch this short clip to learn about this little known biblical fact in Exodus 20:2–17.) httpv:// Anyhoo, one of those laws as commanded by the Lord himself was: Thou shalt not take the name of Elizabeth Taylor in vain. Sadly, we have become a society not dissimilar to those Israelite hedonists running rampant in the desert,… Read More »
Bright Stephen Burrows and warm woolen mittens… Though white paper packages tied up with strings are not on my list, these are a few of my favorite people. Unless you are dead, you know that Target is opening its first store in New York City…East Harlem to be exact. Although it is still a bit of a schlepp for me, seeing that I am a devout downtown-ite, the great news is that the Target folks had the where-with-all to engage designers that would resonate in their new neighborhood. Most notably, Stephen Burrows and the illustrious Isabel and Ruben Toledo. When… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Thursday)
Kernels of Dish (Wednesday)
It must be in the Gore water. Karenna Gore and her husband Andrew Schiff are also splitting up. Yikes, Christmas at that house is sure to be weird. – HUFFINGTON POST Uh, oh…the bitch fight is about to get ugly. Christian singer (or used to be anyway) Katy Perry trashed Lady Gaga’s new video for Alejandro and I am sure the Lady will have something to say soon enough. – HUFFINGTON POST Are you ready to brech (vomit in Yiddish)? Here are still from the Danielle Satub porn video. – D LISTED… Read More »
Last year at the MTV MOVIE AWARDS, I was astonished at the sheer stupidity of the overall content. Last night, I was less astonished at the stupidity and more amazed at what little fashion walked the red carpet. And when I say little, I mean very little dresses coupled with very little taste. Yesterday afternoon, my freind Audrey Nizen (Creative Director, Bloomingdale’s) and I were lamenting on how stylists have ruined the creativity at awards shows by playing it all too safe. Last night however, there was safety in numbers, and all of which hit the recurring theme of Hootchie… Read More »
Last night was the big kahuna of the New York City social whirl, The Costume Institute Gala, a.k.a. Anna Wintour’s Playground. If you were not there, then you do not exist. If you are not on Anna’s guest list, you might as well just curl up and die. If you are not BFFs with a top fashion designer, then you might as well just call it a day and move out to the suburbs. Sounds harsh? Perhaps…but it is true. The theme this season was American Woman. There’s all sorts of good reasons for this theme since America’s schmatta business… Read More »
Kernels of Dish
Today there’s just little kernels of dish that made me put together Bits and Pieces of Nonsense for you to nibble on. With Tiger still caught by his..well..not his toe…and the White House Hookers still the big story, I thought I’d just add a little here and there and wish you all a great weekend. 1) Speaking of hookers, remember Ashley Dupre? Well, she is now officially a hooker with a heart of gold. She makes an incredibly good point about the bitches that are picking at Tiger Woods‘ carcass and I suggest you read in story. Click on photo… Read More »