Posts Tagged «Larry King»

So now we should be envisioning the topless photo of some codger or the sneaking around between jogging and taking the next hill in Kabul? How do these people do all this catting around while doing important shit? How does one run the greatest military might or better yet, the sneakiest organization on Earth, then proceed to get caught with your pants down…LITERALLY!… Read More »
Social Media Climbers
The sad truth is that the social media landscape has become overpopulated with social media climbers. What started out as a perfectly communal idea, well, rating chicks on college campuses, but beyond that, keeping in touch with friends and making new ones, has turned into a massive mass marketing mess. Sprinkle that with a slew of celebrities spewing nonsense, and what is happening is something I call “visual white noise”. Facebook and Twitter are dissolving into one long ad roll. There is no doubt that CBS-TV is hoping that Ashton Kutcher will suck up to his millions of Twitter followers,… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Wednesday)
Whether these two are doing it or not is less the case than whether the 3rd installment of Twilight will break all records. – HOLLYWOOD REPORTER Congratulations to Zoe Saldana and Keith Britton on the engagement. They are the cutest. – POP EATER Oy, Britney. Who is anyone to believe. Yikes. Hopefully not… THE SUN Wow…nothing on Earth is worse than this. – HUFFINGTON POST Even Larry King’s pending retirement. – HUFFINGTON POST… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Wednesday)
Awww…Shawn and LAarry King are staying together after all to make beautiful music and prune-tang. – TMZ Miley Cyrus “Can’t be Tamed”…and really…why should she? – HUFFINGTON POST Lady Gaga and Muccia Prada chit chatted…though I hear that the Gagster barely came out of her dressing room all night. – NY MAGAZINE Denzel Washington was kind of a snob at the Tony Awards press junket. He was overheard saying about the nomination, “I’ve had better and I’m sure, I’ll have worse”. Ke$sha litererally has dollar signs in her name. She even sang at a Bat Mitzvah this week. Sad, girl.… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Monday)
Beyonce and Jay Z are moving to Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. – HUFFINGTON POST Rest in peace Lynn Redgrave. You will always be my Georgy Girl. -D LISTED Pearls of wisdom from Kelly Cutrone on what not to do. – NY MAGAZINE Jessica Simpson = Michelle Obama?!? – PEOPLE A new gross baboon. Larry King’s kids’ little league coach to pose for Playgirl. – GAWKER Click here to follow I MEAN…WHAT?!? on Twitter.… Read More »
Here’s a love triangle that’s enough to make anyone brech, a.k.a. vomit in Yiddish. The news that Larry King was having an affair with his wife’s younger sister, Shannon Engemann, is not only too much information (TMI), but it is the kind of information that boggles the mind. Once I read the allegation from Shawn Southwick (King’s wife of 13 years) my imagination ran wild as to how that dalliance came to fruition in the first place. If all this is true, here’s what we need to know: Did Shannon come on to him? Brech. Did Larry come onto Shannon?… Read More »
We all know that action speaks louder than words. But pictures speak volumes. Sometimes loud is just annoying…as in the case of loud talkers…you know who you are. But with pictures…now there’s a tale that is told with a simple glance. On days where time is of the essence, I give you what to look at. Have a great day.… Read More »
What this week taught me was just how REALLY, profoundly powerful the internet and social networks are, with a special shout out to Twitter. That Susan Boyle received 30 million hits in one week is astonishing. And what it showed us ALL is that you don’t have to be a titty-and-belly-button bearing (Britney, Miley, Goo Goo Ga Ga) diva to get into the hearts and minds of the music loving public.The moment I saw Simon Cowell’s eyebrows raise after Susan’s 3rd note, I knew what he was thinking, “Il Divo who? Adam Lambert what? Gimme this house-frau any day of… Read More »
The Goosing of The Queen
The reason I started I Mean…What?!? was to draw attention the nonsense that fills the airwaves. The modern day media frenzy has become the master ill of our time; destroying the lives of Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan. Granted, they are annoying, but two wrongs don’t make a right. With the media outlets fearing loss of market share and ad revenue, they jump into sensationalist mode where no one is safe, and no story too boring to blabber on ad nauseum. I speak today of the little goose that Michelle Obama did to the Queen of England’s rear. I would… Read More »