Posts Tagged «Leonardo DiCaprio»

War Horse & Other Movies
Everyone’s Best and Worst of the Year lists are out and I am left scratching my head. The thing is: everyone is entitled to their opinion, so who gives one particular shit what one particular person is saying? I recently wrote about The New York Times reviewer Manohla Dargis who I never agree with. What makes her Best List any better than mine? I am equally opinionated and probably ten times funnier, which gives me a leg up on whose opinion should matter. Humor takes smarts, but I digress. The following films are on many Best Lists and my reasons… Read More »

Dragon Tattoo Fashion
You all know what I think about celebrity turned fashion designers by now. If not, you have been living under a rock. To refresh, my basic belief is that actors/actresses and reality stars should not think just because they like fashion, that they should throw themselves into the already saturated market and leave the industry alone. It is the rare celebrity that successfully makes the transition, such as the Olsen Twins with their dynasty. Granted Sofia Vergara might be making a boat load of cash with her Attention: K-Mart Shoppers leopard numbers, but making money is not the only gauge… Read More »

Why Do Celebrities Cheat Down?!?
In light of the release of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s baby mamma’s photo today, we here at IMW were sitting around pondering the phenomenon of celebrities cheating down rather than cheating up. Actually, unless you have other for instances, the only celebrity to actually cheat up–and I mean in a big way–was Brad Pitt to Angelina Jolie from Jennifer Aniston. Besides that, the trend, for lack of a better word, is for the celebrity to troll around for haggy poontang and getting it. Here are a few such examples. Please follow us on or Like Us on Facebook.… Read More »
Recently, January Jones was photographed in GQ flaunting her tits a la Maxim. As the magazine industry continues to spiral downward, GQ, whose readers I guess want to see boobs, has been featuring actresses with that come hither approach to photography a.k.a. Playboy. Maxim is the NASCAR version of Playboy, and the more attention the women get who grace the pages, the more little Hollywood starlets want to be featured there. Case in point, child actress Amanda Bynes, who took this Maxim moment to break out from her goody-two-shoes perception and show the world her parts. I call this Maxim… Read More »
Of the many newly established “holidays”, Earth Day is the little holiday that could. Yes, it has accomplished tons of global awareness since 1970, when it started, as a way to instill fear that the end of the world is nigh. Since then, the Earth Global Network successfully promotes the consciousness that we must all do our part to save the world. And hopefully meet Leonardo DiCaprio in the process. However, the term “Green” has become so overused, it’s almost passe. Even Vanity Fair has stopped doing their “green issue”, currently featuring Giselle Bunchen on the cover, Miss Green herself…as… Read More »