Posts Tagged «Michele»

The “Buck Stops Here” Bag
Politicians are like an “IT” bag, and each season, there is a new “must-have”. This Presidential season is going to be the Chanel of wind bags. You find me one candidate for President of the United States, present company and President included, that is not prone to hypocrisy, and I will pay you money. Seriously, this is a one time offer, as I am not a betting man. No one on Earth can present the case for a candidate who does not talk out of both sides of their mouth and other orifices, in order to please the masses.… Read More »

If anyone needs to hire ID-PR, Slate or 42 West, it is Michele Bachmann. Say what you want about those pushy celebrity publicists, but you will NEVER see a cover shot of Jake Gyllenhaal looking like he is tweaking, or Jennifer Aniston looking like she is plugged into a socket. Granted, celebrity publicists have gotten a “not great” reputation as being bitchy and annoying, but they do their job, and usually very well. There are plenty of not-interesting talent that celebrity publicists get tons of coverage on. I won’t get into it now (January Jones) so I can stay on… Read More »

Tyra Banks, move over. We are now watching the ultimate beauty contest between Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann as they go toe to toe in the hopes of becoming America’s Next Top Model… Citizen? Now all we need is a segment with Miss J Alexander as he shows the hopefuls how to walk up to the podium with grace, turn, nod to constituents, wave ever so slightly, then walk off stage without answering any questions. There is little difference between these two ladies when you stop, look and listen to them. Welcome to our newest reality show, model camp meets… Read More »
Sarah Palin In Israel…Oy!
The Energizer Bunny of the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, is in Israel, scraping around for votes. Votes you say? Jews don’t favor the Tea Party. True, true. But Evangelical Christians love Israel, after all, it is the birthplace of their reason for living. So, Sarah has scheduled this smoke and mirrors, Papal-like visit to Israel to con appease her right wing zealot following. Attention K-Mart Shoppers: Sarah “Cross-Hair” Palin is not ready to concede her bid for the presidency over to Michele “Cross-Eyed” Bachmann. Not without a good, old-fashioned, smack down, cat fight, a la Crystal Carrington and Alexis Colby… Read More »