Posts Tagged «Midnight In Paris»

War Horse & Other Movies
Everyone’s Best and Worst of the Year lists are out and I am left scratching my head. The thing is: everyone is entitled to their opinion, so who gives one particular shit what one particular person is saying? I recently wrote about The New York Times reviewer Manohla Dargis who I never agree with. What makes her Best List any better than mine? I am equally opinionated and probably ten times funnier, which gives me a leg up on whose opinion should matter. Humor takes smarts, but I digress. The following films are on many Best Lists and my reasons… Read More »

Longing For Elsa Klensch?
Style Mavens have become in this decade what fitness trainers became in the 1990’s… a bunch of waiters who wanted another life. Obscure teens with blogs are the new Elsa Klensch and the old Elsa Klensch has gone by way of newspapers. Call me what you want, but I am sad to know that Elsa is less relevant than some Polynesian drag king with an iPad 2.… Read More »

I have been feeling very nostalgic lately. We are living in a time of war, poverty, obesity, adultery, mediocrity, obsession with celebrity, and the Tea Party. It reminds me of that scene in The Ten Commandments when Moses comes down with the tablets only to find the “chosen people” have completely run amuck. Donald Trump is like that Edward G. Robinson character, hyping up the flock to pray to the golden calf, a.k.a. Kim Kardashian. Who have we become? Why are like sheep to the slaughter of our own best intentions? Eh, this is not for now, but I did… Read More »