Posts Tagged «MTV Movie Awards»

The Not Best Tressed List
This week’s Not Best Tressed List is filled with an assortment of people, several of whom should know better. Now, I get that we can not all be perfect, however if you are going to a major event complete with red carpet, own a mirror, and have a gay, you should not wind up on my list. It is a simple as that. Anyone on my team is available for last looks before you step into the limo to avoid being put on The Not Best Tressed List. Follow us on Twitter or Like Us on Facebook.… Read More »
Last year at the MTV MOVIE AWARDS, I was astonished at the sheer stupidity of the overall content. Last night, I was less astonished at the stupidity and more amazed at what little fashion walked the red carpet. And when I say little, I mean very little dresses coupled with very little taste. Yesterday afternoon, my freind Audrey Nizen (Creative Director, Bloomingdale’s) and I were lamenting on how stylists have ruined the creativity at awards shows by playing it all too safe. Last night however, there was safety in numbers, and all of which hit the recurring theme of Hootchie… Read More »
I MEAN…WHAT?!? presents Apples and Oranges, a new feature by Merle Ginsberg (Editor-in-Cheif, and Abe Gurko. This new column is a dialogue between two veteran style mavens as we trash…I mean…comment on The Best and Worst Dressed of the MTV AWARDS. Why Apples and Oranges? Well, Merle is based in Los Angeles and I am in New York…hence the fruity reference. Though Merle is currently in Tel Aviv on assignment, we still can call it Apples and Oranges because Israel has those kick-ass Jaffa oranges. The plan was to do the 5 Best and 5 Worst Dressed girls on… Read More »
What On God’s Green Earth Are The MTV Movie Awards All About? Besides Mediocrity.
My head is still reeling from how horrendous the MTV Movie Awards are. I don’t know where to begin. And it’s not because I am not cool that I think the entire show is a bunch of childish morons. In every which way, that industry needs to snap out of it. And everyone wonders why kids today are so clueless, disrespectful and unsophisticated. Look at their role models. The few entertaining moments for me were Eminem’s performance (on stage), the Andy Samburg’s retrospective sung by Leanne Rimes, Forrest Whitaker and Chris Isaac and that’s pretty much it. I missed Kings… Read More »