Posts Tagged «newsweek»

If anyone needs to hire ID-PR, Slate or 42 West, it is Michele Bachmann. Say what you want about those pushy celebrity publicists, but you will NEVER see a cover shot of Jake Gyllenhaal looking like he is tweaking, or Jennifer Aniston looking like she is plugged into a socket. Granted, celebrity publicists have gotten a “not great” reputation as being bitchy and annoying, but they do their job, and usually very well. There are plenty of not-interesting talent that celebrity publicists get tons of coverage on. I won’t get into it now (January Jones) so I can stay on… Read More »

As Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 steamrolled into theaters so too did Sarah Palin‘s gem classic, The Undefeated. Early reports are not looking good for Sarah’s Mariah Carey Glitter moment. The other night I was watching Sarah Palin on Fox News. Yes, I occasionally flick over to witness what hatred is being spewed and was, as always, amazed that Sarah was in full regalia, spewing hatred. To Sarah, her regalia comes in a far more informal look that that of, let’s say, Prince William or any other military personnel. Her suit of armor conveys more of a… Read More »
Sayonara Newsweek
Poor Newsweek. It used to be so important. There were years when getting on the cover of Time and Newsweek were the be-all-and-end-all. But no more. Time now diffused that by putting a bunch of people on their recent 100 Most Powerful Issue and Newsweek, well we all know how that is bleeding at the seems, so who cares about being on that rag. Proof positive, the next issue features Sarah Palin (OK, so I tried to not discuss Sarah…but…) on the cover, showing how desperate they are to hold onto some kind of readership. Even if it is a… Read More »