Posts Tagged «Oprah»
Madonna’s Malawi Scam
Having worked in fundraising for wonderful charities, it is with a heavy heart to learn about the horrendous scam circling Madonna‘s now ill-conceived school for girls in Malawi. I say ill-conceived because if this project was properly structured, with vigorous oversight, then 3.8 million dollars would not have vanished. Who is to blame? Surely the Executive Director, Philippe van den Bossche, who became involved with Madonna’s trainer, Tracy Anderson, in the middle of the project. Now it makes sense why Madonna fired her “celebrity trainer ass“. Now, someone tell me how a 15 million dollar project allows for a 3.8… Read More »
Though Oprah has never been married to Stedman Grant, they did just birth a baby. A baby network that is. Our reigning queen of television has just popped out The Oprah Winfrey Network, OWN, which sums up the whole deal. According to Oprah, Stedman named the new tyke. Considered by many as our Princess Di, Oprah, not content with that title alone, along with cornering every other form of media, wanted to do pull a Ted Turner by starting her own network. A network true to her belief system. For Ted, it was wanting to deliver world news all day,… Read More »
Whether it is rumor or fact, if Lindsay Lohan is hitting up on Oprah for her own post rehab reality show for the OWN Network, then all I can say is fotz. And Oprah should know better. First of all, though Malin Akerman is cute and bubbly, who can compare the value to having Lohan in the Linda Lovelace biopic, Inferno, to sweet Malin? What do I know…besides plenty. I had been asked by Mashable to weigh on what Lindsay should do to bounce back during the jail era, and my thoughts still stand. She should do a theater piece… Read More »
Eat, Pray, Love, Cringe
We all think that our lives are meant for the pages of a book. Come on…admit it. And if you can’t admit that, then surely you have considered your workplace as the setting for a hilarious sit-com. Don’t lie to me. We all have delusions of grandeur and relax, you are not alone. I read Eat, Pray, Love after everyone else did, that summer when those three words were all you heard. That’s the problem with hype, Oprah-based or otherwise. By the time everyone raves about a book, movie or TV show, you get there and wonder…what’s the big deal?… Read More »
Not that I didn’t predict this, but Mel Gibson has put the final nail in his own coffin…and all I can say is, “Toodles, you psychotic nut bag”. Listening to the chilling tape of Mel ranting to the mother of his newest baby, whom he has recently clocked in the jaw, I agree with Oksana Grigorieva when she says to him that he needs medication. However, the only the medication I would prescribe to that anti-semite is arsenic…to put him out of his misery once and for all. The pity here is that Hollywood has continued to go back to… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Sunday)
Ali and Lindsay Lohan arrived at the Mercer. I actually look forward to when these two do a photo shoot together. – JUST JARED Kathy Griffin is still talking about her under-interesting bedazzled hoo-ha. Like how long ago did you do that? Like I believe those things stayed on? Fotz. – PAGE SIX agrees with my choice for best dressed at the Costume Institute. Calvin Klein’s simple elegance ruled. – STYLE.COM The biggest loser her was the husband since the Rasha Spindel lost the lbs and moved on to eating other kinds of things. Oh no I didn’t. -… Read More »
The Oprah Chronicles
What could be more devastating to the American public than finding out that our reigning queen of all media…not you Perez Hilton, sorry girl…but Oprah Winfrey, has been exaggerating on all points of light about her upbringing in an effort to gain sympathy and trust, hence viewers galore? Nothing. According to Kitty Kelley, another queen, but her sovereignty is Unauthorized Biography-land, Ms. Winfrey has created a world of tragedy and drama, so much so, that violins will be playing. Kelley has dug into the lives of Jackie O, Frank Sinatra, the Bush family, Elizabeth Taylor, well, see the through line… Read More »
Is Tiger Woods A Tea Partyer
What has become of us? Who are we? Has our nation’s pastime become golf? Is baseball passe? So last season? The brand that is golf is having such a hey day, that I actually started wearing my old Izod shirts again. Somebody help me. Take me to a Golfers Anonymous meeting. Surely they exist. There are 12 Step meetings for everything on Earth (i.e., Mistresses Anonymous and Horndogs Anonymous). Since the Tiger Woods and His Band of Merry Hookers fiasco, we have become obsessed with the minutia of the sport and his penis. It is the cover story of every… Read More »

I want to be Mary Alice Stephenson when I come back to Earth in my next life. Tall, blond, female, smart, beautiful, industrious, glamorous…need I say more? Either I want to be just like her or a French poodle in a Jewish household on Long Island. Both lives are charmed. I met Mary Alice at a fund-raising event…you see…she is perfect…and we have since kept in touch. Recently, we both were speaking on a panel about the future of the fashion industry. There she was, clad in red Calvin Klein fierceness. I mentioned interviewing her for IMW-TV, though at that… Read More »
Fresh Cheeks
Cheeks…they are all the rage. Cheeks are the new black. Everyone is getting “the cheeks”. If you don’t have “the cheeks”, then you just don’t have cheeks. The use of facial fillers such as Juvederm, Sculptra, Restylane, Radiesse, and Collagen have become the short answer to the long question, “Why must we age?” New York Magazine did an in-depth report on The New Face, which is the dire attempt to bring your old face back, the face you had when you were young, rather than the tragically obvious face-lift. Face-lifts are sooo last decade. Fillers are what’s happening, and everyone… Read More »