Posts Tagged «Osama Bin Laden»

Four years ago, Oprah made hay where the Obama sun shines and because of her, Barack Obama is the President of the United States. Now Oprah sits down with the Obamas to discuss life, family & politics. Here are a few key outtakes. Oprah also just so happens to have sat down with The Mitt Romneys as well, which sounds like a real bore. As mentioned in the past, Ann Romney scares the beJesus out of me.… Read More »

Are Al Qaeda A Bunch Of Manzies?!?
The least of Pakistan’s problems is the recent discovery that Osama Bin Laden was living high on the hog in the midst of their military retirement village. As Bill Maher so eloquently put it on Real Time this past Friday, “Let’s not call Bin Laden’s compound a mansion, it looks more like a five story tenement in Van Nuys.” One would have to agree there. No, what the Pakistanis have to be far more concerned about are their dueling Fashion Weeks. Yes, as Mercedes Benz Fashion Week has inspired even third world countries to get on the fashion stick, Pakistan,… Read More »
In a stunning turn of events, last night Barack Obama overshadowed Donald Trump and The Celebrity Apprentice as NBC cut away from the final moments of the show to announce that Osama Bin Laden was dead. In light of this, I suspect that Donald Trump will have a double bone to pick with the President. In an effort to maintain his spot in the news cycle, Donald Trump still has a few more weeks of The Celebrity Apprentice to promote and what better way than at the expense of Barack Obama? You can hear the headlines now. Why did they… Read More »
Fear And Loathing In D.C.
Remember when Alec Baldwin allegedly threatened to leave the United States if George Bush Jr. got elected in 2000? I believe Barbra Streisand said something similar. Clearly they never left but that’s not why I am bringing this up. Rather, I am dumb struck watching and listening to the horrendous crop of candidates running for Senate and Congress. The reality that our country might be taking the kind of turn to the right…and I mean far right….I mean so far right that I can not breathe…is making me rethink living here. I lived in Los Angeles during 9-11 and it… Read More »