Posts Tagged «postcards from the edge»

Not that being a dumb ass won’t keep Rick Perry from getting into the White House, but this lovely advertisement that he has running in Iowa to appeal to the craziest people on Earth will surely alienate him once and for all. Operative word… ALIEN. To quote Carrie Fisher from Postcards From The Edge ,”These are the options?” Only I am referring to the Republican homophobes. We have Rick Perry desperately attempting to woo the most conservative wing of the Tea / Republican Party coupled with Michelle and Marcus Bachmann who want to straighten out all the gays (once and… Read More »

Postcards From Hurricane Irene
The media has caused such a frenzy around Hurricane Irene, that it actually has me thinking twice about my initial plan to stay home with my dogs, read a book and watch Postcards From The Edge. The movie is part of the boxed set of Meryl Streep’s Greatest Hits, which was in the gift bag of the American Film Institute Honors Meryl Streep. This is as good a time as any to crack open the box, and perhaps even crack open a bottle of rosé. My idea of battening down the hatch is cozying up to old movies, stocking up… Read More »