Posts Tagged «Rachel Roy»

Who do Barbara Bush, Emma Stone, Rachel Roy, Kym Johnson and Aruba have in common?… Read More »

There is not much to say. This Not Best Dressed List has become a staple in the I Mean…What?!? universe and shall stay in place forever. Why? Because so many fashionistas are clueless. Or just not brilliant. Words speak volumes, but pictures tell the story. Without any further ado, here are this year’s entries onto The CFDA NOT Best Dressed List for your perusal. Follow us on Twitter or Like Us on Facebook.… Read More »
There was nothing like the New York Knicks in 1973. That championship season was their crowning glory and it has been a challenge for the team to regain that stature. Back then, we had the ever-cool Walt “Clyde” Frazier, the star guard, who had captured the hearts and minds of every New Yorker on and off the court. His sense of style was impeccable: Pimp meets Saville Row. The media loved him, yet he was never overexposed. It was always basketball first. Success off the court was due to his success on the court. Once the Knicks won that championship,… Read More »
Not a day goes by that someone who simply has no business in the fashion business gets into the business of fashion. Today’s nonsensical entry into the schmatta business is the New York Knicks‘ 6 foot 10 inch forward, Amar’e Stoudemire. Surely you remember him from last season’s fashion week when Anna Wintour had him sit next to her and Hamish Bowles at the Tommy Hilfiger show. Now there was a trinella if I ever saw one. Word is that Amar’e and Rachel Roy are teaming up to design a women’s collection for Macy’s. Would somebody please stick a fork… Read More »