Posts Tagged «radaronline»

Khloe Kardashian Before And After
If you forced me to pick one, I’d say Khloe Kardashian is my favorite Kardashian. I liked her in Celebrity Apprentice and she clearly is the most independent of the brood. When I set out to do the parody As The Kardashian Turns, it was not because I dislike the Kardashians. Frankly, I have only seen Keeping Up With The Kardashians a few times. But enough to know that a parody was a must. Anyhoo, TMZ last week posted a before and after picture of Khloe and I wanted to share the before and after of Mackenzie John Miller who… Read More »

Once you’ve sampled this guilty pleasure it will be difficult to return to the “real” thing without thinking of As The Kardashians Turn.… Read More »

Guess who?… Read More »
Charlie Sheen: Back To Work
Let is be said that on March 4th, I wanted to reveal what lead up to Charlie Sheen’s erratic behavior last Christmas. My source told me all the salacious dish about their drug-induced, hyper-active sexcapades but asked me not to share it for fear of Les Moonvees. RadarOnline however, did a piece that eluded to what could have been the final piece of the puzzle that made all the sense in the world as to why Charlie would have beat the beJesus out of Brooke. Come on, didn’t that Christmas interlude between Charlie and Brooke seem a bit excessive? With… Read More »
I have been waiting for someone to break the story about the Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller sex scandal for weeks. My source told me all the salacious dish about their drug-induced, hyper-active sexcapades but asked me not to share it with my lovely readers. Well, now that RadarOnline has done so, I am happy to spill what I know. First of all, when the Christmas interlude between the two of them went down, there was something amiss about the whole incident. With twin babies nestled in their beds on Christmas eve, what could have possibly been going on downstairs… Read More »