Posts Tagged «russell brand»

Two snaps up to Katy Perry for landing uber-hottie, Baptiste Giabiconi during Paris Fashion Week. Now that is a solid ‘fuck you’ to her ex-nudnik, Russell Brand, a pairing was nauseating from the star. Eswpecially with their two-thousand-day wedding in India minutes after they met. That was kind of a PR scam coupling along the lines of the Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries. Maybe I am being too harsh on Katy. Not to be out-shined, Russell Brand also snagged a model toot suite. Some Canadian slag that ran to chat with Life & Style magazine. “He’s amazing, so funny; he’s… Read More »

If ever there is a moment to get your look together, it is for the Chanel fashion show in Paris. Here Katy Perry managed to look horeene. Loose that Smurf hair already girl. See below how her ex is fairing these days and clearly we can see why they were together in the first place.… Read More »

What in tar-nation are Rosario Dawson and Russell Brand thinking leaving their homes or hotel rooms looking like this? I can’t. … Read More »

I have been desperately trying to ignore the endless reports about Katy Perry and Russell Brand’s pending divorce. They are so annoying, why add fuel to the flame? Unless you are brain dead, it is hard not be reminded about their failed marriage hence, just how annoying they really are. Sure, I like some of her pop songs, don’t get me wrong, I am an avid Spinner, and that shit works to get you over the hump. But their shenanigans and constant playing to the media is off-putting, at least. Katy may be avoiding the People’s Choice Awards—and by doing so… Read More »
Six days? Six days? Come on. That is the most presumptuous, over-the-top, full-of-themselves wedding plan on Earth. Look, I love weddings. They are always a blast. And no doubt there was much fun and games at the recent nuptials of Madame Katy Perry and Sir Royal Hiney Russell Brand. But really…six days? That sounds painful. Granted, if you are schlepping your family and friends to India, you have to do something special since they are light years away from home. They better have provided private tours of the Taj Mahal…at least. But seeing what egomaniacs these two lovebirds are, it… Read More »
Men’s Make-Up
Finally, men can come out of the closet…and we are not talking about their sexuality here, rather, that men can openly say they use cosmetics and still maintain their butchness…ish. The New York Times Style section has an article about the rapidly growing market of cosmetics created exclusively for men. I love that the evolution of man boils down to his desire to maintain his youth and beauty. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. On the contrary. When men became admitted metrosexuals…though I prefer the term Manzies for this purpose…all bets were off. Suddenly, “straight” men were allowed to… Read More »
Bright Stephen Burrows and warm woolen mittens… Though white paper packages tied up with strings are not on my list, these are a few of my favorite people. Unless you are dead, you know that Target is opening its first store in New York City…East Harlem to be exact. Although it is still a bit of a schlepp for me, seeing that I am a devout downtown-ite, the great news is that the Target folks had the where-with-all to engage designers that would resonate in their new neighborhood. Most notably, Stephen Burrows and the illustrious Isabel and Ruben Toledo. When… Read More »
I MEAN…WHAT?!? presents Apples and Oranges, a new feature by Merle Ginsberg (Editor-in-Cheif, and Abe Gurko. This new column is a dialogue between two veteran style mavens as we trash…I mean…comment on The Best and Worst Dressed of the MTV AWARDS. Why Apples and Oranges? Well, Merle is based in Los Angeles and I am in New York…hence the fruity reference. Though Merle is currently in Tel Aviv on assignment, we still can call it Apples and Oranges because Israel has those kick-ass Jaffa oranges. The plan was to do the 5 Best and 5 Worst Dressed girls on… Read More »