Posts Tagged «Wishful Drinking»

Kim Kardashian’s Konundrum
Oy vey. What a difference a day makes. There is a book out today called Celebrity Inc. that speaks to the tacky ways people make money off their fifteen minutes of fame. Written by Jo Piazza, writer for the New York Daily News, he is already predicting Kim Kardashian‘s fall from grace and her trajectory spiraling downward similar to that of Paris Hilton‘s demise a.k.a “the slippery slope to becoming the brunt of the joke then more painfully, obscurity”. Sure they still love Paris in Tokyo, which sounds like an oxymoron. But here, Paris can’t… well… can only get arrested.… Read More »

Carrie Fisher has had a “big, loud life”. Well, not anymore. Yesterday Carrie achieved her goal of losing 50 pounds, thanks to Jenny Craig. Here she is in all her glory looking like she did twenty years ago, when we first met. As an ex-fatty, I know too well the trials and tribulations of having to lose a third of your body weight. In my junior year of high school I dropped 60 pounds on the Dr. Atkins Diet. So, when Carrie set out to take back her life and her youthful figure, it was a joy to cheer-lead her… Read More »

Carrie Fisher To Win By Losing
Carrie Fisher, who has battle demons far more terrifying than Darth Vader, is about to hack off a bunch of L-Bs, proving that God loves her. I mean come on. She is brilliant, multi-talented and gets to secure her place in pop culture icon-hood by going to where no man…or woman has gone. Beyond Kirstie Alley. Funny enough, on the day Jenny Craig announced Carrie’s involvement as spokesmodel, Kirstie turned 60 years old. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Carrie has confronted many scenarios that would challenge anyone. She is a fighter and will soon enough be dancing all the way… Read More »

If you did not see Wishful Drinking starring Carrie Fisher when it was on Broadway, or in the many cities around the U.S.A., then do yourself a favor and catch it on HBO tonight at 9PM. It is gene. Watch this interview we did that illustrates just how hilarious she is. it is just a tip of the hilarious iceberg that is Wishful Drinking. httpv:// Directed by David McIntyre for Image Loading –… Read More »
Happy Birthday Princess Leia
Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Carrie. Happy Birthday to you. How old are you now. (ugh) How old are you now. (ugh) You’re now exactly my age. You pooooooor dear. And many more. Carrie Fisher turned Studio 54 on this fine day. She is in Australia doing her one woman show, the Tony snubbed, Wishful Drinking. Sending you all my love and best wishes.… Read More »
What can you say about Carrie Fisher that she hasn’t said about herself? Few have achieved the iconic status of this broad and even fewer have her wit. While in New York City filming her Broadway smash hit, Wishful Drinking for HBO, Carrie and I lounged around her suite at the Greenwich Hotel reminiscing about Paul Simon, Percocet and house hunting in the 90’s. Surely this is IMW-TV’s shining hour…or ten minutes anyway. Enjoy. httpv://… Read More »

httpv:// Although the Tony Awards snubbed Carrie Fisher for her wonderful performance in Wishful Drinking, HBO just announced that it will film the one-woman show as a special later this month. On June 26 at 8PM, there will be a one night only staging of Wishful Drinking, right outside New York City. But who cares where it is? I am putting together the Wishful Drinking Party Bus and together, we can travel the short distance to see this side splitting, two-hour laugh-fest. The show received a rave review by Ben Brantley of The New York Times. And (B) it falls… Read More »

The Phony…I Mean…Tony Awards
What a crock of hooey these Tony Awards are, or shall we say, The Antoinette Perry Who-Gives-A-Damn-About The Antoinette Perry Awards for Excellence in Theatre. The title of that award is pretentious enough to choke a horse. They should rename it the Sarah Siddons Award, like the one Eve Harrington won in All About Eve. Literally, if it wasn’t for Doogie Howser, would anyone watch that friggen awards show on CBS, sponsored by Geritol. Let me start by saying that every time I go to a Broadway show, I am overwhelmed as to how many bad hairdos can be clumped… Read More »
10 Things To Be Grateful For
Sure, the lackluster economy does not top the list. Nor does the endless coverage of Tiger Woods and his barrage of hookery-tramps. Today it is all about taking a deep breath and thinking back to what you have to be grateful for. Though this year was turbulent, your job is to identify where there was joy. Gratitude lists are very personal, and since I feel so close to many of you (except those kooks who were obsessed with Lindsay Lohan), herewith is my list. I urge you to make your own, because as the year comes to an end, it… Read More »
Happy Halloween, I Guess
Halloween is fun, if you are a glutton for punishment. Dressing up like some schnook, or a scary person, or a sexy beast, or a president, ex-president, or Lindsay Lohan and Sam Ronson. I get it. Boozed up, wired up, dressed up and most times no where to go. Fierce, you make your entrance as a great party or two. Then you try hailing yet another cab, your big hair gets crunched, make up needs major retouching. It goes on for hours. And as the evening progresses, you get drunker, and less put together, till you look like a wreck.… Read More »