Posts Tagged «Women’s Wear Daily»

We Are All Social Media Climbers?!?
The Kardashians have killed off the Jones’ because now we don’t give a shit about keeping up with them anymore because now it is all about Keeping Up With The Kardashians… Read More »

Stylophane? I beg your pardon? Is that a word, a term, a website, a gauge, a ridiculous tool to jack off with? The answer is all of the above. Now that Social Media and the many Social Media Climbers who think they know-it-all have become marketing experts, (are sext-perts next?) starting with the Social Media Expert himself Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook is now touting its useful digital marketing tool Stylophane, which tracks the Facebook friends (for lack of a better term) who are engaged with your brand. Facebook…brand…engaged…I am cringing but must go on. Women’s Wear Daily reported today that Kat… Read More »

Will E-Tail Kill Off Retail?
There are more eCommerce websites (e-Tail is the new term) than one can conceivably paw through in a lifetime. What started out as a cute idea for couch potatoes has mushroomed into the Cyber Monday leaving Black Friday in the dust.… Read More »

Runway To Win
Nothing makes me happier than knowing that the fashion industry is gearing up to help Barack Obama get re-elected. This is good news. Let’s face it, the land of the fabulii fell short during the mid-term elections and were nowhere to be found. Too busy creating signature fragrances, I gather. Be that as it may, all is forgiven…ish. Onward to getting under way at the task at hand. Women’s Wear Daily reports that Anna Wintour / Vogue is starting to get designers engaged, creating T-shirts, hosting benefits etc. Let’s just hope this initiative has an engaging grass roots effort… Read More »

Abercrombie & Fitch Offers Payola To The Situation
Yes, I am going to take full credit for Abercrombie & Fitch‘s recent move to pay off The Situation in order to have him cease and desist from wearing A & F crap. Yesterday, The Situation was prominently featured on The Not Best Dressed List besides which, I Mean What has done endless coverage of the Jersey Shore, from seasonal reviews to lamenting on how the popularity of this ilk proves that the end of the world is nigh. While I was writing this, Women’s Wear Daily reported that A&F reported a 64% gain in net revenue this quarter,… Read More »

Paris Is Not Burning
While we Americans were chomping on barbeque, watermelon and “oohing” and “aahing” over the 4th of July fireworks, Paris was not sizzling as the Fall Couture Shows got under way. There is nothing sadder than looking through the images of Christian Dior, the one show that I waited for with bated breath each season, knowing that John Galliano would not disappoint. I even looked forward to what kind of drag he would sport at the end of the show. There was nothing of the sort for Fall. Or nothing of the short for fall. Fall short…get it? Surely the reviews… Read More »
The secret is out: Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen did the wedding dress for Kate Middleton…aka Princess Catherine aka Duchess of Cambridge. But the dress is remarkably simple considering it was from the designer who is single-handedly saving the McQueen legacy. She does look stunning. While Facbooking with Alexander Jenkins (Miss J) this morning, he noted (no, not noted as in noted fashion photographer) but noted that the dress is very Princess Grace and added, “Well done Sarah and the House of McQueen. Absolutely simple and gorgeous.” NOTE TO BRIDEZILLAS: See how demure and understated Kate is? Well, take note.… Read More »

Something wonderful happened in the aftermath of writing that story, What The Gap Needs Now Is Love Sweet Love. The next day—after my article had gone viral…… Read More »
What Was She On?
Yes, yes, I know, I know, everyone loves Courtney Love and follows her every fashion move on her website, What Courtney Wore Today. Poor babies. If she is your touchstone, yikes…you need a shrink, too. Why she wore a gown to the WWD 100 Year Anniversary is proof that her koo-koo is for Cocoa Puffs. And the article in Eric Wilson‘s piece in The New York Times proves I am as right as rain. Between that article and having read endless psychotic ranting text messages first hand confiirms just how much of a nut bag she is. This is who… Read More »
Are Fashion Bloggers Sooo Last Season?!?
Since New York Fashion Week started, I’ve had this gnawing feeling in my gut that I could not quite put my finger on. Yes, it could be stress since I’m producing several projects during the week plus having to write my daily musings…where does the day go? Leading up to fashion week I was inundated with news about fashion bloggers. New ones, old ones, newly famous ones, bloggers photographed by Anna Wintour, a blogger that actually hired a publicist, others touting their front row-ness, bloggers who were cast in ad campaigns, bloggers sponsored by major fashion brands, bloggers with capsule… Read More »