Posts Tagged «Woody Allen»

To what lengths does one have to go in order to achieve fame? It wasn’t until years later that by simply sucking on someone’s cock (Monica Lewinsky and Kim Kardashian) that the distance one had to go to achieve fame was not that far at all. The only distance they had to go…was down.… Read More »

Longing For Elsa Klensch?
Style Mavens have become in this decade what fitness trainers became in the 1990’s… a bunch of waiters who wanted another life. Obscure teens with blogs are the new Elsa Klensch and the old Elsa Klensch has gone by way of newspapers. Call me what you want, but I am sad to know that Elsa is less relevant than some Polynesian drag king with an iPad 2.… Read More »

“Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night.” – Woody Allen in Annie Hall. Twitter was a twitter this week with the results of a new study involving bisexual males. The findings? Bisexual males exist. Really? No kidding. I could have told you that from the slew of straight guys I have slept with over the years. Especially when I was younger and hotter. The study conducted at Northwestern University is called, “Sexual arousal patterns of bisexual men revisited”. Revisited no less? The first study done in 2005 by Michael Bailey, a psychologist at Northwestern University concluded,… Read More »

I have been feeling very nostalgic lately. We are living in a time of war, poverty, obesity, adultery, mediocrity, obsession with celebrity, and the Tea Party. It reminds me of that scene in The Ten Commandments when Moses comes down with the tablets only to find the “chosen people” have completely run amuck. Donald Trump is like that Edward G. Robinson character, hyping up the flock to pray to the golden calf, a.k.a. Kim Kardashian. Who have we become? Why are like sheep to the slaughter of our own best intentions? Eh, this is not for now, but I did… Read More »
One of New York’s mainstays on the social and nightlife landscape is the incomparable Patrick McMullan. He recently launched PMc Magazine, which will feature fashion, entertainment, parties, events, and well, all groovy things. I am happy to be part of this venture and will do whatever Patrick wants. Stay tuned. In the meanwhile if you are bored, please read my short interview. 1: Who am I? My name is Abe Gurko…though I go by Abe as in Cher…one name only. 2: What do you do and what project are you currently working on? I have a boutique PR and event… Read More »
The Daily Beast features the Best of Jersey TV today. Sure, Jersey Shore, The Real Housewives of New Jersey and Jerseylicious, are fan favorites, but what do these annoying people do to represent the many other Jersey residents that are not Guidos and Guidettes? Let me tell you first hand….NOTHING. Rather than focus on the wonderful people who hail from New Jersey like Meryl Streep, Count Basie and Bruce Springsteen, we are now hyper focused on the Goombas like Snooki, Teresa Guidice and The Situation. A permanent blemish has scarred the Garden State. We can identify the turning point when… Read More »
Announcing the newest candidates for Gross Baboon of the Year Award, Real Housewives of New Jersey, Teresa and Joe Guidice. Reading about their spendaholic, bankruptcy-inducing shenanigans made me really angry. As someone born in that fair state, the recent bevvy of Gross Baboons with New Jersey blazoned on their foreheads is enough to make anyone lie about where they hail from. We now have The Real Housewives, that lame show Jeseylicious, and even the cast of Jersey Shore, though none of them are from there, but MTV has managed to muck it up anyway. Until recently, it was Woody Allen… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Monday)
These two Gross Baboons, Rachel Uchitel and Gloria Allred, are making the scene…and Rachel you will soon see raw and uncut in Playboy. – TMZ Marc Jacobs says that coke was not mine. – PAGE SIX Jennifer Hudson looks amazing. But now I hear her new album is all about dance tracks and well…just not her. Hope her new look does not get cheapened. – THAT GRAPE JUICE Oy…Woody Allen comes to the aid of Roman Polanksi? That’s like Joslyn James coming out to the support of Loredana Jolie. – D LISTED The glorious Iman and I have one thing… Read More »
Defending New Jersey
With MTV’s Jersey Shore stealing the spotlight on retard, it is with great regret that, once again, the state that I hail from is the brunt of a bad joke. It is inescapable. With every decade comes a slew of negative references to New Jersey. It has been a challenge (to say the least) when people ask, “Where are you from?” since moving into Manhattan. My knee jerk reaction has always been to say, “From here”. When pressed, I would mumble and walk away.” You would never know it, but I am proud to be a Jersey boy, just not… Read More »
Many of you must know by now that I have coined the phrase “fotz”. There ‘s many applications to this term. But, what, do you ask, is FOTZ? Etymology: What started out as a sarcastic reference to something that is or someone that “thinks” they are fascinating. So, it went from fascinating to fotzinating to fotzy balloons to fotzy to the currently, most used…fotz. Here are a few good examples. Bing is fotz. What Madonna wore to the Costume Institute Gala was fotz. George Bush was fotz…still probably is. Most Republicans are fotz. Susan Boyle’s first makeover was fotz. People… Read More »