Has your end-of-summer stomach ache started yet? Surely, you know that feeling. It started when we were kids, that huge knot in your tummy that makes you double over in physical and mental pain. The first time you experienced it was the night before starting school after a joyous, carefree summer. It hurt so bad, you pleaded with your mother to not go to school the next day. It never worked. That end-of-summer stomach ache hits like a ton of bricks, no matter how old we get. There is an I Mean..What?!? Remedy. It’s called Laughter WHILE Shopping. But you need to do both at the same time or else it won’t work. You can’t just go shopping and think, “This purchase will make me happy.” How un-spiritual are you? You need to go the whole distance and shop for what makes you laugh. If you have never done this, well, I highly recommend it. It is an exercise you can do alone or with a friend. Both have benefits. Alone, you will prove to be incredibly confident, able to tackle the world and all its issues. With a friend, it is a friggen hoot. Look at this as a way you get to replace the stomach ache from regret with stomach ache from laughter. Who cares what the economic news is? Your mental state is worth more than anything. So go…get your Manzie on…

Though this Bernhard Willhelm number is not in stores till next spring, but as reported on the Manzie Report, shows what you have to look forward to.
shop while laughing. And while you’re at it, make a few purchases, too. ‘Cause retail therapy is a fact and laughter is the best medicine. Together, they will alleviate the end-of-summer stomach ache. Here are a few looks from past runways that you might want to try on to give you that shopping giggle. Oh, and be sure to act all serious to that uppity, pretentious retail associate…or whatever clerks are called these days.

This Adam Kimmel quilted nonsense is sure to make you smile to kick off your Laughter While Shopping excursion.

It reminds me of this amazing ad I featured this Sunday on I Mean...What?!?

Even homeless men play Laughter While Shopping with Adam Kimmel's velvet onesie.

Don't think you won't have a good giggle trying on this complete Junya Wantanabe look, complete with ill fitting quirky man hat and jacket. You know that horrendous sales person is going to say, "It's you!"

Admit it, you would love to go to work in your robe. Lanvin provides that option to those unlike me who work from a home office, where my kimono is the daily wardrobe. Love the flower touch, too.

Alexander McQueen kicks the Laughter While Shopping into high gear. Go, try this ensemble on, all stone face. It's medicine for the soul.

Then throw this Guatemala-inspired look on and go sell fruit on the roadside...of Madison Avenue.

There's always little styling tip to be gained on these excursions. See what you can do with any old schmateh?

Need to wake up your wardrobe? Start with these blinding Moschino slacks. Be sure to act as though you really want to buy them, and then say to the retail slave that you left your wallet at home.

This Sean John cropped sweater will look especially great if you have a beer belly. Be sure to ask the store manager if you can put this aside on lay away.

This P Diddy number is sure to be the hit at your high school reunion. "You must get this."
I just had to comment on the Moschino sequin numbers…. wow! I nearly died. Thanks for the great giggle!