Jersey Shores Up To Fashion Week

Feb 3, 2010Fashion

I think with a great haircut, cleaner make-up and a more buttoned up outfit, Jenni Farley would be a good front row get.

As New York Fashion Week looms and celebrities are being schnorred up for front row, the topic of the Jersey Shore cast was bound to come up. The New York Post‘s Page Six reports today that the cast is demanding tickets to shows. The only viable candidate for my money is Jenni Farley (JWoww), but only if she would agree to a complete IMW Makeover. As much of a fan that I am, these kids are way too Jon Gosselin for anyone in the fashion industry, besides Ed Hardy, that is. Shedding their image would be the only way to go. And having more than one Shore-ite would be way to distracting for any one fashion show.

Left to their own devices...yikes.

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4 Responses to “Jersey Shores Up To Fashion Week”

  1. Cody Allen says:

    Sadly, you know you will see a few of their faces popping up around the tents. I can picture Miss Wintour glaring from the other side of the runway….

  2. […] In regards to the ballyhoo about the Jersey Shore cast and their wanting to attend fashion shows. First of all I know for a fact that several […]

  3. […] regards to the ballyhoo about the Jersey Shore cast and their wanting to attend fashion shows. First of all I know for a fact that several […]

  4. oh man…sorrentino didn't look too good on dancing with the stars

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