It Is An Abomination That Perez Hilton Gets Away With Such Low Flying Crap

Jun 13, 2009Breaking Newzzz
This is how I would have preferred to remember Dustin Lance Black. But alas...

This is how I would have preferred to think of Dustin Lance Black. But alas...

Words cannot describe how annoyed I am that Perez Hilton released those photos of Dustin Lance Black in the full monty and every other position on Earth. As it is, I have drastically reduced my Perez viewing over the past several months. Had I not gone to Gawker, I would have missed this entry. But, I didn’t and I am fuming. That a gay man in the position of such power (Perez) would not do his damn best to protect an important gay talent is unconscionable. And why the hell didn’t Dustin’s publicist put the kabosh on those images? Someone should be fired in this debacle. In the real days of Hollywood, these salacious situations were squelched left and right. That was in the old Studio System, where publicists yielded considerable power as opposed to what we have now, which is a bunch of fast talkers that play both sides against the middle.

Girl, as long as you are reporting on ugly, you will always be ugly. How don't care how much weight you lose. Perception is reality.

Girl, as long as you are reporting on ugly, you will always be ugly. We don't care how much weight you lose. Perception is reality.

Public relations used to be a fierce game of strategy, now it’s just a beggars game. Problem is, today’s celebrity publicists are too busy kissing up to Hilton for when they need him for certain clients as opposed to just keeping him fringe. Perez is successful in part because these publicists are feeding the beast…literally. I am sad that the entertainment community supports Perez…and don’t deny y’all. You do. He is a by-product of the paparazzi culture and everyone has their hands dirty. What’s even sadder is that there is no turning back. These are the depths of how low, down and dirty our society as gone. How do you like the way it smells? Get used to it. Tsk, tsk.

PS…Not that I yield much power, but I just deleted Perez from my Sites We Lerve.

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