Oy, poor M&M. He was beyond embarrassed and I don't blame him one bit for storming off.
My head is still reeling from how horrendous the MTV Movie Awards are. I don’t know where to begin. And it’s not because I am not cool that I think the entire show is a bunch of childish morons. In every which way, that industry needs to snap out of it. And everyone wonders why kids today are so clueless, disrespectful and unsophisticated. Look at their role models. The few entertaining moments for me were Eminem’s performance (on stage), the Andy Samburg’s retrospective sung by Leanne Rimes, Forrest Whitaker and Chris Isaac and that’s pretty much it. I missed Kings of Leon because my sister called to tell me Susan Boyle was rushed to the loony bin in London and off to CNN I went.

This girl is annoying. All in favor, say "Ay".
Let me get this straight, the MTV viewers chose Kristen Stewart (Vampira the Talking Wall) over Kate Winslet for Best Actress? That just means that all these kids should be taken off Adirol once and for all and forced to attend after-school classes on film and culture. And Sasha Baron Cohen gets away with murder when he is in Bruno mode, why? If I were Eminem, I’d be pissed off and beat the living crap out of him. That incident was not funny at all. Childish? Tasteless? Unnecessary? Surely. It is astonishing that this is what we present our youth culture as the touchstone of greatness? I mean…what?!?

Am I missing something here? OK, she's pretty, but relax world.
The MTV Awards highlight the lowest common denominator of talent…if I can even use that word here. And what was with Megan Fox’s hairdo? Is she kidding? Can someone please explain the fascination with her? And the stars of Twilight? How about get a stylist and speak like to might have graduated eighth grade. Believe in your own immortality much? Relax you made one friggen movie.
At the risk of sounding like an old fuddy duddy, I am astonished that all this gets past the adult decision-makers in the industry. Next time your teenager does something completely stupid, don’t blame yourself. It’s the culture we live in and the entertainment industry’s fascination with stupidity. Other notable annoyances were:

First of all, Keifer, get off stage. MTV supports head-butters and that dog...yikes.

Carey, how old are you? Then you wonder why the Academy ignores you?

Dead cat jokes? Where is PETA when you need them? Leave Anna alone and go after these clowns.

Yes, Robert Pattinson, you are stunning...but speak, man, speak.

The Nepotism Moment. Daddy didn't even let Olivia speak and have a full-on audition. Fotz.
Please, tell me, am I wrong here?
Oh my God. I don't even have anything else to say, except, "YES!" In the "Best" actress category, my friend was like, 'one of these things is not like the other!" and its so true.
I don't care if it was staged or not…and no matter what the ass looked like…no thank you.