Jane Lynch & The Kast of As The Kardashian Turns Love LPAC

Jane Lynch The As The Kardashian Turns Kardashians support LPAC. Go Tammy Baldwin!!!

Jane Lynch has joined LPAC along with Billie Jean King and with significant resources behind them, they plan to make a true impact for lesbians in the 2012 election cycle and beyond. What is LPAC? Lesbian Political Action Committee and they are plenty getting my vote. Raised by all women and a confidante to many, I have been referred to as a lesbian on several occasions. In a year when so many disgusting baboons, white, male, horrible, Republican, douche bags are able to throw bad money after worse candidates, it is refreshing to know that my girls have banded together to make their voices heard and are “aiming to give lesbians a real and meaningful seat at the table”. What is more exciting than that? All I want to be when I grow up is a power dyke anyway. Now I need some coinage so I can help them in their efforts. Join the campaign today.

Jane Lynch is enjoying a brilliant career. And now….

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