What is the difference between Miss North Dakota and Rielle Hunter (see below).
Look, I am by no means a prude, but have you seen the new campaign to promote the Miss USA pageant? Donlad Trump‘s properties have just had a major Victoria’s Secret overhaul. The marketing campaign just launched and all 51 contestants have traded in their pageant hair and cornball, prom gowns for that skanky, Gross Baboon of the Year look that all of Tiger Woods‘ skanks share. Now, I am all for racy, but didn’t Carrie Prejean…nutbag hypocrite extraordinaire…get chastised for being a skank? Will this new pageant action shift the talent portion of the evening? Will we see Fellatio? Speed Massage with Release? Will the judges sit on stage and get lap dances? And what of the swimsuit competition? Will it become a thong-bearing walk off? If the answer is yes…great. If the answer is no, then why skank up these beauty queens, who’s parents must be breching (vomit in Yiddish). And will the final spontaneous questions be a bit more salacious? Perhaps something along these lines:
- If you were approached by Tiger Woods at a nightclub now, what would you say to him?
- If a married politician, not unlike John Edwards, approached you at a fundraiser for the said politician, what would you say to him?
- If Ashley Durpe wanted to interview you for her ASK ASHLEY column in the New York Post, would you grant the interview, and why?
- Do you think Gloria Allred really cares about women’s issues or is she just a good old fashioned publicity hound? Would you ever seek her council?
When asked by The Insider, The Donald said, “We are in a different age. They are a little bit sexy but I’ll tell you what – everybody’s watching, so I have no problems with it”. Imagine the endless meetings to discuss how to turn up the heat on that otherwise boring pageant show. Boy have they come up with a formula that will do just that. The old sex sells method. If it works, no doubt, Vanity Fair magazine will feature the newly crowned Miss USA in yet another racy photo spread, just like the one featuring Joselyn James and Loredana Jolie, winners of The I Mean…What?!? Gross Baboon of the Year Award.

The answer is nothing. And what is the difference between the Vanity Fair-like skanky photo spread and Miss USA...see below.

Miss Pennsylvania here is not that different from Joselyn James...right?

IT is all the same thing...skanks of America unite!
Donald Trump To Host “Gross Baboon Of The Year Awards” – I Mean…. What?!? is an interesting name for a blog, keep up the good work, thanks, from Kameko Gay
Why the gratuitous insult to baboons?
I think your take is interesting, although I feel like you've missed your mark. In this article, you try to chastise Miss USA's overt sexualization of their contestants by applying the sex-sells method to an already sex-saturated commodity such as the Miss USA pageant industry. Although there are reasonable and legitimate grounds for critiquing this new Ad Campaign (and pageants in general), I'm curious as to why you would undermine your argument by calling the women who participate in them 'skanks'. Skank, slut, whore, or tramp, these labels all refer to a sexually permissive and lascivious woman, and slanders as them as 'bad women' based only on their perceived sexuality, with no regard to their actual sexual status. These words disregard women as individuals, and latch on to patriarchal gender stereotypes and outdated expectations of female sexual purity to demean, insult, and dismiss women. In other words, those words reduce women to their sexuality just as cuttingly as the images you critique. You have a great platform to publicly call-out the sexual exploitation of women, yet are yourself guilty of the same.
Please reconsider your choice of words.
Hi B,
I appreciate what you are saying just reread the piece. I at no time call these woman skanks directly:
1. "all 51 contestants have traded in their pageant hair and cornball, prom gowns for that skanky, Gross Baboon of the Year look that all of Tiger Woods' skanks share"
in that reference i cam calling out Riger's gals as the skanks. And if you think they were, then I beg to differ.
2. 'I am all for racy, but didn't Carrie Prejean…nutbag hypocrite extraordinaire…get chastised for being a skank"
Here I refer to what others called Carrie Prejean.
3. "then why skank up these beauty queens, who's parents must be breching (vomit in Yiddish)"
I am not calling these woman skanks, I am saying that their new look is skanky. what…you don't agree? The pursed lips alone is enough to give this an R rating.
If there is a specifc reference that you would like me to change, I am happy to do it. Please point that out.
[…] a stunning politically correct move, Miss Michigan – Rima Fakih was crowned Miss USA 2010. Granted, she is beautiful, and perhaps indeed the rightful winner, but not having watched the […]