So proud of Miss Jay. We were the original Studio 54 club kids...babies...and still feyess.
I loved reading today’s article by Cathy Horyn about Miss J Alexander and his new book Follow The Model. Now this is a story for the The New York Times Style Section that makes perfect sense. It has been a while since I questioned The New York Times Style Section for their questionable entries. However, today I am left scratching my head about the article, Breast-Feeding the Baby, Love the Calorie Burn. Now, let me say up front, that I consider myself to be the “uncle of the world”. Having six glorious nieces and nephews that I maintain a close relationship with (age range – 20 to 30 years old), I have no aversion to the category of child care issues, breasts, or calories. Actually, as a former fatty, I see the word calories and BAM, all ears.

Do you think of Style section when you see this picture? Let me answer that for you...NO!
My beef however, is that this is NOT a style story. Losing weight? Hmmm, yes…I see the desperate attempt to connect the dots. But style conscious readers that want to know about calorie burning from breast-feeding, have already visited several hundreds of the amazing mommy blogs and daddy blogs that dwell in the jagunza virtual community that caters to the breast-feeding moms, their husbands, their cracked nipples and other related activities. Being in public relations, I know from my experience with my client, Y Water, that this universe is remarkably efficient. Why the Style Section thinks that their little article in not old news to those moms, is beyond me. Do I go trolling around momlogic.com looking for what the latest denim wash is or heat-seeking divamoms.com for suggestions on “What Not To Wear” on casual Fridays? No. I do not. I, as many of my readers will concur, want to go to The Grey Lady on Thursdays and Sundays for fashion and fashion related stories. Stories like Cathy Horyn’s, or Eric Wilson’s (though he has had a couple of doozies lately, today’s is good) and comments from Guy Trebay.
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“A respectable appearance is sufficient to make people more interested in your soul.” – Karl Lagerfeld