These girls are the "ones to watch" on the runways this season in NYC, as per WWD.
“Like sands through the hourglass…so are the Days of Our Lives.” Truer words have ne’er been spoken and they also apply to the fashion industry. I mean…who doesn’t squeeze their sorry ass into a tight fitting pair of jeans, leggings or jeggings these days in the hopes of feeling as thin as the models that sashay down the runways. Maybe my comparison is a stretch (as in Spandex). Mercedes Benz Fashion Week kicks off today and someone, somewhere is squeezing into their DLs, throwing on their tight, fitted, cropped jacket with gobs of accessories, readying to make an entrance at Milk Studios or Lincoln Center. Style expert, Mary Alice Stephenson was quoted recently, “Think it’s time to bring back boobs on the runways! All these skinny girls at fashion week castings….. Boring!!!” Well, having just done a casting, I pushed for the one model who had great boobs but it was an uphill battle. Rather than having to fight the fight, the good news is, the girl got snapped up for another job…so..kudos Katie. The girls pictured above, Dempsey Stewart, Wang Xiao, Merethe Hopland, are WWD‘s “ones to watch” this season on the catwalks. And there ain’t a boob among them, or even if you combined all six together. Granted, these girls are A-dorable, but the ongoing battle of the bulge will always be won by the girls that look more like these pixies, rather than Lara Stone.