Breaking Newzzz

Star Baby, The Killing Floor
httpv:// Congratulations to The Killing Floor, featuring my friends Marco Argiro and Chris Bunatta for their first big music video shot by Joel Schumacher starring Mallory June called Star Baby.… Read More »

The Obama Effect – Coming Soon
Please click this image and sign my petition on to help re-elect Barack Obama.… Read More »

Hilary Swank wore this Sister Wives meets Pennsylvania Dutch meets Puritan frock that is horeene.… Read More »

Facebook Shmacebook
OK, so I admit to loving Facebook. However, I question reconnecting with some of the people from my home town (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey) including the guy who was just arrested for exposing himself in our hometown playground. Anyway you slice it, I do not need to read about Facebook every five minutes since it has gone public and the cover story on every media outlet on Earth. OK, Mark Zuckereberg made 19 BILLION dollars. Great. What charities does he support? OK, he lost 2 BILLION dollars a day later. Great. What charities does he support? I am very happy… Read More »

I’d like to take a moment to wish Christine Quinn and Kim Catullo much joy and happiness throughout their marriage together. As a jaded old queen, I have expressed my opinion on gay marriage in the past with a cocked eye. But when people you know make the leap of faith, then all one can do is wish them the best with much love. My biggest hope is that gay marriage statistics will kick straight marriage statistics in the ass over time. This year, up to 50% of straight marriages will end in divorce. Think about it, the city of… Read More »

The Boys Are Back In Town
Not that the Costello Tagliapietra boys ever left, mind you. But they are “in” Barneys New York with a vengeance. The other night they launched (who doesn’t love a launch party) their newest capsule collection at Barneys New York with booze and nibbly bits and I could not be happier for them. The collection features what they are best known for, draping. Besides that, this jewel-toned dress fest is so well priced, that I told Robert and Jeffrey that I am almost inclined to buy one. The C&T Costello Tagliapietra dresses are sooo good. They go from day to night, garden… Read More »

A Kardashian source told Gatecrasher in New York Daily News that Kim Kardashian would “live and breathe to hang out with Beyoncé.” Well, duh. You don’t have to be an insider to tell us something so obvi. Anyway, here’s how that all went down.… Read More »

This crazy bitch, Jane Svoboda, a known schizophrenic went on an anti-gay rant in Lincoln, Nebraska at a non-discrimination ordinance proposal hearing. It is very simple, watch this video and somebody put her out of her misery. And when I say put her out of her misery, I mean lock her up in an inane asylum and throw away the key. She does not even deserve to be honired with the Gross baboon Of the Year nomination because as per reports, she really is crazy. So why is she allowed to roam the streets freely? httpv://… Read More »

What Kanye Doesn’t Like…
A fashion faux pas happens every 1.5 seconds in New York City. Leave it up to the uber-fashion victim himself, Kanye “Me Loves Me A Hootchie Mama” West to calls ‘em as he sees ‘em via Twitter. Seems like Anna West went on a rant about how horeene people dress the other day, and though I may agree with him on some things, one would imagine that he who lives in a glass house might not want to throw stones. More people than not might think that wearing Kim Kardashian as a fashion accessory is questionable… at best. Others would… Read More »

What do you get when you combine a few remnants from Studio 54 plus New York’s premiere Studio Cycling experience coupled with a lot of good intentions? A great charity ride at Soul Cycle 77. I am riding to help raise funds for THE FELIX ORGANIZATION/ Adoptees For Children that provides inspiring opportunities and new experiences to enrich the lives of children who are growing up in the foster care system.… Read More »