Breaking Newzzz
UPDATE TO THAT UPDATE: Merv Griffin Productions has commit to Courtney Stodden to produce her reality show, Skank and Grampa (working title). The realness is getting realer than real, but really? Who is going to watch this nonsense? They have not locked in a network yet. Have they tried the Playboy Channel? Other classic television shows on Playboy TV are Brooklyn Kinda Love and The Stash. UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: Guess who is getting a reality show? Umm….give up? You got that right. The May-September romance of these two self-involved looney tunes will birth a new reality series following these… Read More »

Lindsay Low-han
Lindsay Lohan has been stirring up the pot this week in New York and the thing is, after hearing about last night’s glass throwing incident at the V Magazine party in the Boom Boom Room, perhaps the media should stop referring to her at Actress, Lindsay Lohan. If Miss Thing doesn’t start working soon, as an actress, then that adjective will no longer be applicable. Douche bag will be more suitable. Girl, snap out of it. Now.… Read More »

The Galliano Verdict
Months after the horrendous mistake of John Galliano‘s life, comes the verdict. The French court found him guilty of “public insults based on origin, religious affiliation, race or ethnicity” stemming from two separate incidents at a bar in Le Marais, his neighborhood in Paris. He is ordered to pay court fees, no jail time and a few other little remarks here and there, which puts an end this disastrous chapter of Galliano’s life. I, for one, am glad this is over. You can see my comments and sentiments below, but what impresses me here is how French court really does… Read More »

Belabor Day
No one really celebrates Labor Day. Sure, we take off that Monday, but since Labor Day represents the end of summer and the return to school, who is celebrating? Mourning is more like it. Since kindergarten, the “End of Summer Stomach Ache” began on the Sunday afternoon before Labor Day. Though I am generations away from school age, this year I am sick to my stomach a few hours earlier than usual. Between the economic news and the political climate, I am nauseous from what I see and hear. According to Wikipedia: Labor Day became a federal holiday in 1894,… Read More »

Gagging From Gaga
Of all the weeks that Lady Gaga comes out fighting with words against Cathy Horyn, this would not be the one. As Goo-Goo Gaga did her Acting 101 Scene Study class with herself at the VMA’s, she should watch who she goes up against. Cathy Horyn is not, nor will she ever be irrelevant. And though I would love to go on and on about how wrong Gaga is about her, what is shocking in this whole story is that Gaga actually believes that a 15 year old girl is more important or relevant than a sophisticated, world-traveled, educated… Read More »

Gloria Allred: Happy At Last
Finally Gloria “Madame” Allred can sleep soundly. After two hundred years of taking on the most high-profile-possible sensational cases to get maximum airtime, comes word that Allred has landed her own Judge Judy type show this fall. We The People With Gloria Allred will probably host her ex-clients, you know, those many hookers with a wallet of gold from cases past. Hopefully, she will have the reunion of all 13 Tiger Woods‘ skanks. Rachel Uchitel, get out your Jimmy Choos.… Read More »

Well, just when I thought I could not stand the slew of Republican candidates running for President in 2012 comes a reason to despise them even more. Because this pack of wolves was having their stupid debate on September 7, the same time Barack Obama wanted to announce his huge new jobs plan for the U.S., John ‘Orange’ Boehner drew a line in the sand and said, “We called firstzies”. So like the gentlemen Barack is, he moved his big speech to September 8, on Fashion’s Night Out. Between the NFL Pre season game and Anna Wintour, he will lose… Read More »

This season’s cast of Dancing With The Stars promises to be beyond uninteresting. Maybe people will tune in to see if Chaz Bono is a clod. Though you have to give Chaz mad props for being so out there in the public eye considering the average viewer is not the same audience that tunes in to watch The A-List on Logo. Nancy Grace will scare the be-Jesus out of her dancing partner, so that won’t last long. Elisabetta Canalis, George Clooney‘s ex-girlfriend is doing what any scorned woman would do to get back at her man. She is going to… Read More »

Hurricane Irene: Breaking Newzzz
Locked up in the Essex House waiting for Hurricane Irene to pack her wallop seemed like a movie of the week. An eerie quiet fell on New York City and everyone held their collective breath as the afternoon rolled into evening. Evening led to midnight and as I had said the day Bloomberg was hunkering down the city is preparation for our Katrina, I knew that this was just gonna the a big bad case of not much. Kind of like what happened years ago, when we prepared for the worst and got nothing. Call me strange, but after hunkering… Read More »

Hurricane Irene? Nice Name.
Who names hurricanes? Clearly no one in the fashion industry or celebrity publicists. I mean… Irene? Wouldn’t you just love to sit in on the meetings at the National Weather Center when they decide what to name the damn things? Surely it is nothing like when young newlyweds discover they are are pregnant and begin the painstaking process of deciding what to name the unborn child. Whose dead grandparent, whose godfather, godmother, favorite aunt or uncle, all of whom are deceased. No, when it comes to naming a hurricane, the ugliest names are up for grabs. Here are a few… Read More »