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A GAP In How To Manifest Destiny
Hey, we all make mistakes, but one might suggest Wikipedia-ing everything slogan on Earth prior to going to print.… Read More »

And if the song says “It only takes a minutes girl, to fall in love” and a slew of people fell in love with Mitt Romney that night, especially women and gay people…well… I feel sorry for you and your need for a shiny new toy.… Read More »

Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj are not acting like American Idols. Who could care less about some beefed up yabba dabba doo charges of PR anger between these two song birds. Or is one song bird and the other Big Bird.… Read More »

YSL: So Black Is The New Black
Finally, black is the new black. We have been swathed in jewel tones, neons, sherbert colors, and even Fifty Shades of Fruity Pebbles have ended up on a runway or two. … Read More »

Alan Cumming is an activist’s actor’s actor or is it actor’s actor activist? He is deeply committed to important issues, we worked together on the UN Millennium Goal Campaign and Alan has recently joined the Board of Activates for the Family Equality Council. The mission of FEC is a commitment to changing attitudes and policies to ensure every family is respected, and especially the more than a million families in the United States whose parents are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender. … Read More »

My mandate (not man date) as a public relations know-it-all is to align my clients with charitable causes when there is an organic connection to the mission. For hair stylist Roy Teeluck, we developed a unique relationship with the highly respected organization Dress For Success whereas he provides beauty services–free of charge–to their clients. They provide the outfit, we provide the the coife. “When a woman looks good from head to toe, they are more confident. So whether they are going on a job interview or interacting with people in their daily life, it makes a big difference,” says Roy.… Read More »

Hedi Slimane vs. Cathy Horyn “Let’s get ready to rumble!” Yikes, talk about “In this Corner”. That silly Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey dust up comes off like two kittens playing compared to the battle royale between Hedi Slimane of Saint Laurent Paris versus Cathy Horyn, The New York Times fashion critic. I mean… brew-haha, only no one is laughing. What has bubbled up to a fever pitch between the fashion designer and the critic is beyond beyond. Let me preface this with, I am a huge Cathy Horyn fan and though she might be getting bad press these days… Read More »

Four years ago, Oprah made hay where the Obama sun shines and because of her, Barack Obama is the President of the United States. Now Oprah sits down with the Obamas to discuss life, family & politics. Here are a few key outtakes. Oprah also just so happens to have sat down with The Mitt Romneys as well, which sounds like a real bore. As mentioned in the past, Ann Romney scares the beJesus out of me.… Read More »

Jordan Betten – Lost Art & McGuire
Over three hundred of the most diverse, lovely people poured in waves throughout the evening to enjoy the booze, food and exceptional live performance by artists Chrissy Lancaster & Alison Clancy, who recently performed for Barack & Michelle Obama.… Read More »

These make those McQueen Lady Gaga shoes seem like Uggs.… Read More »