Lindsay looked great as a red head. She should march back to that.
Whether it is rumor or fact, if Lindsay Lohan is hitting up on Oprah for her own post rehab reality show for the OWN Network, then all I can say is fotz. And Oprah should know better. First of all, though Malin Akerman is cute and bubbly, who can compare the value to having Lohan in the Linda Lovelace biopic, Inferno, to sweet Malin? What do I know…besides plenty. I had been asked by Mashable to weigh on what Lindsay should do to bounce back during the jail era, and my thoughts still stand. She should do a theater piece in New York, and not even the lead. It was good enough for Madonna…it surely is good enough for her. In a perfect world, that show would be brought to London on the West End and believe me, with great reviews, the offers would start pouring back in. America loves a comeback. A humble one…not an in your face one, starring her ridiculous parents. I just don’t think that reality television, unless you are a Kardashian, is the way to go for Lindsay. She is a talented actress. Plus, I don’t think it would be healthy for her to dive head first under the microscope post Betty Ford Clinic. Whatever, she’ll do what she’ll do…I wish her the best.