More Bla Bla on "Tea Party "

You know what color chartreuse is.
You have used chartreuse in a sentence.
You wear chartreuse. … Read More »

When I looked up the origins of the expression “Rally ‘Round The Flag”, boy, was I stunned. Conceived by John Mueller, a political scientist in 1970, the concept—referred to as a syndrome—reduces criticism of governmental policies and increased short-run popular support of the President of the United States. And here I thought is was a song about freedom and boys, not to mention a film with Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward.… Read More »

Finally, Meghan McCain and I can begin to agree to agree and to disagree.… Read More »

MARIANNE FAITHFULL: I have had this recurring dream that I am in a dark wooded forest with dripping trees and I am walking up a hill, like I am going into battle. I am a foot soldier walking in the midst of this scene.
ABE GURKO: What are you wearing?… Read More »

Oooh, Lordie be. The gossip mill is saying that Anna Wintour has banned Kim Kardashian from the Costume Institute Gala. Snap and snap again makes two snaps up. Naturally, we must immediately turn this moment into The Days of Kim’s Loves…All Nine of Them. The Gala Snub Episode.… Read More »

Days of Kim’s Lives…Not Keeping Up With Kanye Kardashian
So here’s the downside for Kanye Kardashian. Um, that’s it.… Read More »

Nothing is more infuriating than NBC’s desperate attempt to compete with ABC’s Good Morning America as the ratings war heats up. Katie Couric will be the co-host on GMA on Tuesday (tomorrow) morning since she is under contract with an upcoming talk show. To battle that move, Today Show booked Sarah Palin to go up against her as their co-host with Matt Lauer. Since Ann Curry has been at the helm, the reviews for Today Show could not be worse. NBC must have freaked out when they heard that Katie Couric was on board for hosting duties. But of all… Read More »

Breaking Newzzzz
With the big news that Rick Santorum does not stand a chance of becoming the Republican nominee in the Race for the White House, much of the other news in the morning papers is more nonsensical than Rick Santorum himself. Sometimes one has to take these bits and pieces of rubbish and share them with his friends. Starting with Miss Piggy, I mean Snooki, pictured above. Word is she is pregnant but in a bind because they just started filming the new reality series Snooki & JWoww, a modern day version of Laverne & Shirley. What could be less interesting… Read More »

Closed Closed New York Fashion Week
After the runways were taken down, the chairs folded away, all extra The Dailies thrown in the trash, and a truce declared between the uptown vs. downtown fashion show war, came the unofficial closing party of New York Fashion Week. No, not the thing that Axl Rose sang at late into the night, rather the Closed party at The Bowery Hotel. Closed is a cool collection from Hamburg, Germany and Jessica Joffe and Ambra Medda hosted an informal cocktail party. If you were smart enough to attend, you would have been photographed by Martien Mulder, who set up a great… Read More »

Not that being a dumb ass won’t keep Rick Perry from getting into the White House, but this lovely advertisement that he has running in Iowa to appeal to the craziest people on Earth will surely alienate him once and for all. Operative word… ALIEN. To quote Carrie Fisher from Postcards From The Edge ,”These are the options?” Only I am referring to the Republican homophobes. We have Rick Perry desperately attempting to woo the most conservative wing of the Tea / Republican Party coupled with Michelle and Marcus Bachmann who want to straighten out all the gays (once and… Read More »