More Bla Bla on "last five minutes f fame"

Monica Lewinsky is the real originator of Mistresses Anonymous. Her new tell-all book will take us through every inch of her life and vagina. … Read More »

Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj are not acting like American Idols. Who could care less about some beefed up yabba dabba doo charges of PR anger between these two song birds. Or is one song bird and the other Big Bird.… Read More »

El Paseo Fashion Week?!?
It has been a while since commenting on the bastardization of the term Fashion Week. Couple years ago, they seemed to be popping up in every God knows where and forsaken location on Earth. Reading back from older IMW posts, I found an entry which included a plan to put an end to all of them besides New York, London, Milan and Paris. Guess my plan never was activated because I just discovered another one… El Paseo Fashion Week. Where is that you ask? It just does not matter because it needs to stop now. Look, I understand that a… Read More »

Reason #1 To Stop Bullying
Please take 3 minutes of your precious time to watch this video. It is beyond touching and I beg you to consider the message and share this link.… Read More »

I love that famous quote from Francis Ford Copola’s Apocalypse Now, “I love the smell of napalm in the morning.” And I am reminded of that very quote this morning as I read about all the backlash against Rush Limbaugh after he stuck his and everyone on Fox News’ feet in his mouth. Oh and a few Republican Presidential hopefuls as well. Yes, you Mitt & Rick. I have been a Rush hater for years and was reading through my older entries and came upon a starting revelation from January 2010. It was my shock and awe how the liberal… Read More »

Happy New Year! I am still down in Tulum having Internet issues coupled with a hangover so all I can do is re-post this entry from two years ago about the Mayans and their nonsense about the end of the world. Just so happens that I am in spitting distance of the Mayan Ruins and am going to take this nonsensical conversation up with the Gods directly tomorrow, after I finish nursing this hangover. … Read More »

Did you even wonder what happens to a Real Housewife once she is put out to pasture? Cancelled. Not asked back. Told they are no longer “IT” women. Since they were never “IT” girls, why should they have ever really been “IT” women in the first place? But seriously, where do they go? How do they refer to themselves postmortem? “I WAS real but no longer am?” When the glare of Andy Cohen‘s pearly whites dims and the real housewife is left to her own devices, standing on the edge of a red carpet event, what happens? How do they… Read More »

Manohla Dargis’ Opinion
Manohla Dargis loved the movie Bad Teacher with Cameron Diaz. Need I say more? That has to be one of the worst movies of the year, yet, to Manohla, she compares Diaz to the bouncy, screw-ball comedy actresses of the Golden Age of Hollywood, which is not only sacrilege, but simply not true.… Read More »

Do you want to smell like truth OR dare. Because you can’t have both ways. You can swing both ways, but that’s about it.… Read More »