More Bla Bla on "target"

Fashion Targets Breast Cancer T Shirt & CFDA
Have you purchased your T-Shirt yet?… Read More »

Attention K-Mart Shoppers: You will no longer be the brunt of the joke for being bad-haired, car-coat wearing, schleppers who roam the aisles because there is a new breed of shopping low-lives. These folks troll the Target stores for when a designer presents a capsule collection like the recent Jason Wu dress fest and scarfs up as much product as they can carry and balance on their head. Not because they want to wear the stuff, on the contrary. Their goal is resale so I hereby call them Target Whores. Target Whore: A Target Whore is a person or couple… Read More »
Frankly, I am not a fan of these capsule collections at Target, Kohl’s, K-Mart and BlaBla’s. Who cares if some blubbery couch potato gets access to a Missoni sweater? Do we need to see more overweight people trying to look fierce? Oh, come now. Have you been to a Target lately? Just because their advertising and marketing is slick, that does not automatically translate to the clientele that moseys around the store. On the contrary. Yes, Target does do great events, like that amazing fashion show held at The Standard New York. And they get fabulous press, to the point where… Read More »
Target Is Gilt-y
So, Target is under fire for making a generous contribution to a wanna-be, fag-bashing hater in Minnesota. That is, after all, the Mecca of style…downmarket style anyway. Target is such a contradiction of terms. Who is their “target” consumer? We see by walking into any store who is stocking up on child-labor made goodies. Whenever I enter the few stores that are a stones throw from Manhattan, I think, “Am I in Kansas? Where do these people come from?” However, Target is brilliant at all levels of marketing and public relations, well, except for the current fag-hating thing. Their visuals… Read More »

The hysteria around the Netflix show “Tiger King” has been very eyeopening. What is it about this low-rent animal abuser has Jared Leto, Cardi B, and the many other celebrities peacocking their obsessions with his unforgivable shenanigans? … Read More »

Welcome back, Lindsay Lohan. And what better time than when we are all trapped in our homes desperate for something/anything to talk about. Linsday just dripped her first single, “Back To Me”, since the year of the flood. … Read More »

Yes, Wisconsin, get ready to be the BUTT of the Marcus and Michele Bachmann jokes. Marcus better for his own good.… Read More »

When I looked up the origins of the expression “Rally ‘Round The Flag”, boy, was I stunned. Conceived by John Mueller, a political scientist in 1970, the concept—referred to as a syndrome—reduces criticism of governmental policies and increased short-run popular support of the President of the United States. And here I thought is was a song about freedom and boys, not to mention a film with Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward.… Read More »

KKK Debut Collection @NYFW
Move over Marc Jacobs, Brandon Maxwell and Raf Simmons because the KKK debuts its ready-to-wear collection @NYFW. Will Anna Wintour sit front row? The White House has requested front row seats for Melania Trump, while Ivanka Kushner has refused to attend in solidarity with her Jewish husband, Jared, the nebbish.… Read More »

I mean…MAN puts the man in Manzie, and man oh man, what a bunch of bullshit! That is, of course, your idea of ideas for men is slapping together a shitload of nonsense and decide to call it fashion.… Read More »