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Gross Baboons Squared
What do Mitt Romney and Donald Trump have in common? Correct. They are both Gross Baboons, for different reasons, yet gross nonetheless. This has been a busy week for The Orange Donald since his television show the Celebrity Apprentice crowned Arsenio Hall the biggest ass-kisser to The Truupmeister. The way Arsenio talked with a bow in his voice to Donald begging for the job was reminiscent of that old…well, I am not going to say it because I will get stoned…. and not in the kind of way that I like. But you get my point. If cow towing to… Read More »

Just wanted to congratulate Beyoncé on her return to the stage this weekend at Revel in Atlantic City. Even Michelle Obama went to see her. These videos show her process from birthin’ babies to boogying back on stage. Just wanted to wish her the best. httpv:// SCENE FROM DAYS OF KIM’S LIVES…ALL OF THEM: THE BEYONCÉ KONUNDRUM KHLOE: What’s with the luggage? Where do you think you are going? KIM: London. KHLOE: London? For what? KIM: Kanye is going to tour in Europe and Jay Z and Beyoncé just rented a house there for the summer. KHLOE: Our season has… Read More »

Pastor Charles L. Worley is the hands down the newest Gross Baboon. Actually, I am going out on a limb here to give him the bigger than Lifetime Achievement Award and will be crowned The Grossest Baboon Of All Time Award. Yes, we have found a man that given his preponderance of Christian horrendosity and influence in his little hick town in North Carolina has been spewing such beyond evil anti-gay statements, that it is shocking. If he had his druthers, this douche bag would put homos in an electrified fenced in area and lesbians in another fenced in area,… Read More »

Gross Baboon Update
Thought it might be fun to do a little update on a few of the recent Gross Baboon of the Year nominees: Rush, Chris, Courtney, Michele and Christine O…yes, that witchy woman.… Read More »

I’d like to take a moment to wish Christine Quinn and Kim Catullo much joy and happiness throughout their marriage together. As a jaded old queen, I have expressed my opinion on gay marriage in the past with a cocked eye. But when people you know make the leap of faith, then all one can do is wish them the best with much love. My biggest hope is that gay marriage statistics will kick straight marriage statistics in the ass over time. This year, up to 50% of straight marriages will end in divorce. Think about it, the city of… Read More »

A Kardashian source told Gatecrasher in New York Daily News that Kim Kardashian would “live and breathe to hang out with Beyoncé.” Well, duh. You don’t have to be an insider to tell us something so obvi. Anyway, here’s how that all went down.… Read More »

A Loving Mesage To Bristol Palin
Dear Bristol, Surely death threats are not an effective means to change minds. I am sorry for those people who recently resorted to using those tactics based on your desperate need to be in the media. Had you not blabbered on about Barack Obama’s position of gay marriage, perhaps you would not be in this situation. Naturally, when you say, “hate doesn’t win any arguments” that is true. But the fact that you were compelled to stick your neck out and make a point on such a hot button issue, then you must accept your responsibility in this situation. You… Read More »

This crazy bitch, Jane Svoboda, a known schizophrenic went on an anti-gay rant in Lincoln, Nebraska at a non-discrimination ordinance proposal hearing. It is very simple, watch this video and somebody put her out of her misery. And when I say put her out of her misery, I mean lock her up in an inane asylum and throw away the key. She does not even deserve to be honired with the Gross baboon Of the Year nomination because as per reports, she really is crazy. So why is she allowed to roam the streets freely? httpv://… Read More »

Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death
Mitt “The Bully” Romney gave the commencement speech at Liberty University, a conservative, southern Christian temple of doom, I mean, learning. There he pontificated on the fact that marriage is between one man and one woman. Romney was in the right place though to vomit his blather. Liberty U. is in Lynchburg, Virginia, where the graduating class would surely enjoy a good lynching of gays given the chance. Give me liberty or give me death? I think the Liberties would prefer to see the death…of gays.… Read More »

Oooh, Lordie be. The gossip mill is saying that Anna Wintour has banned Kim Kardashian from the Costume Institute Gala. Snap and snap again makes two snaps up. Naturally, we must immediately turn this moment into The Days of Kim’s Loves…All Nine of Them. The Gala Snub Episode.… Read More »