Posts Tagged «anthony weiner»

Tacky Sydney Leathers desperately clung to whatever few minutes of fame she might think she has have left by showing up to the Anthony Weiner losing party to revel in the loss of her loved one. And showing off her new tits to the press.… Read More »

Now that Anthony Weiner has resigned and will soon vanish from the headlines, as the paparazzi and all the haters melt into the sunset leaving him and Huma alone to redefine their relationship, should Weiner still attend Horndogs Anonymous? Let’s face it, there is a 12 Step Program for every possible ailment, from Narcotics, Marijuana, Food, Sexual Compulsives, you name it. See the A-List below from Wikipedia. For some reason, however, Horndogs Anonymous was not included onto their list, probably because there are so few members. I started HA around the time of the Tiger Woods Skank-a-thon, making Tiger the… Read More »

We can add Kim Kardashian to the social media trend of Weinergate-like scandals. Seems like Kim has an affinity to sexting, and did so, while still courting her current fiancee, Kris Humphries. The recipient of Kim’s sex-typing is another athlete knucklehead, Bret Lockett, who blabbered to the media. What a douche bag. What is so hot about sexting? Am I so old and corny that I don’t get the sex appeal behind twinkling a few phone keys? Does the sheer act of typing the words “sex” or “touching myself” get one aroused? Let me start by admitting that I am… Read More »

Weiner’s Plan Was To Boot Palin From The Headlines
Gotta hand in to the Democrats. When none of the Republican presidential hopefuls like Mitt Romney or John Whats-his-name could grab one headline from the Sarah Palin and her Catch Me Catch Me Tour, Anthony Weiner came up with a brilliant plan with the Democratic National Committee in an effort to diminish Palin’s rising star. Weiner-Gate is a complete fabrication—from the crotch shot to the titty shot. Weiner’s plan was to create this scandal and pull the trigger when it was looking like Sarah’s cutesy clueless act was winning over the hearts and minds of the people and more importantly,… Read More »

Frankly, I am breching (vomiting in Yiddish). First of all, I am so over thinking about the sexual escapades of our politicians. It is just nauseating. Like I want to see Anthony Weiner‘s bare chest plastered across my 24″ monitor first thing in the morning? I almost puked…and I’m gay. I have never been a fan of tiny nipples and am still not. Especially when the nipples belong to the person who is supposed to be setting an example in our society. Remember when Obama was caught on camera in that bathing suit? He has tiny nipples, too. We would… Read More »

The good thing about this expression is that it applies to many things. Hmmmm, good. Hmmmm, bad. Hmmmm, huh? Hmmmm, how’d he do that? Hmmmm, is she kidding? This is one of those days where hmmmm is all I can say about a plethora of things. So whether I think Sarah Palin is lying through her pageant smile teeth or the kid in this first video did this stunt in one take, it all just makes me go hmmmm. httpv:// Starting with this video shot by my friend Tony Kelly for American Apparel. How amazing is that kid? httpv://… Read More »