Posts Tagged «britney»

Gagging From Gaga
Of all the weeks that Lady Gaga comes out fighting with words against Cathy Horyn, this would not be the one. As Goo-Goo Gaga did her Acting 101 Scene Study class with herself at the VMA’s, she should watch who she goes up against. Cathy Horyn is not, nor will she ever be irrelevant. And though I would love to go on and on about how wrong Gaga is about her, what is shocking in this whole story is that Gaga actually believes that a 15 year old girl is more important or relevant than a sophisticated, world-traveled, educated… Read More »
Here we go again….yet, another celebrity-turned-stink. This time, Bruce Willis is the man of the hour. Yup, because I know how much you have wanted to smell like Bruce Willis since his Moonlighting days. I personally wanted to smell like him when he was in Death Becomes Her, with Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn. Speaking of which, these gals would NEVER sign on to become a fragrance. Back to Bruce. The Bruce Willis Collection includes an eau de parfum, hair and body wash, deodorant spray and after shave balm. HAIR?!? Have they seen him in the past 20 years? This… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Monday)
This is proof that Britney’s daddy needs to stop overseeing her press. She needed to have those kids of hers in the photos at all times. Not looking like a tangerine. – THAT GRAPE JUICE Eating his own food is what killed Jimmy Dean. This looks like corn dog’s with zits. Brech. – D LISTED Christina wants glommy with one of her dancers. Isn’t that Miley Cyrus’ thing? – MAIL ONLINE… Read More »
Perusing the images from the recent The 12th Annual Young Hollywood Awards felt more like an episode of The I MEAN…WHAT?!? Nobody News. There was a time when Britney, Lindsay, and Paris made their way down the red carpet, cementing Young Hollywood as the new media focus. They were the new Naomi, Linda and Christie. Now those chicks are onto other things…what…I am not sure…but who or what was at this event in their stead was sad and not hot…and in some cases…not young. Seems like this Young Hollywood thing is over. Let’s start with Brittny Gastineau. First of all,… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Monday)
Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in The Gay Divrocee. I reported on this weeks ago. – PAGE SIX Can everybody just leave this girl alone to live her life. So, she threw a glass at Sam Ronson’s head. Is it any of your business? – OK MAGAZINE Justin Bieber = breching – THE GRAPE JUICE This hot dress that Juliette Lewis is wearing is Dolce & Gabbana. – JUST JARED Glee is threatening to do a Britney Spears episode. It would only work if Britney…looking like this…is on the show. Otherwise…fotz. – ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Saturday)
Has the rose fallen off the bloom? These new episodes of Jersey Shore Meets Miami better be hilare. – NY DAILY NEWS Michael Lohan needs to get out of the public eye and skank off into the sunset and away from Lindsay and Ali. Meanwhile where is Orange Oprah in all of this? – US MAGAZINE Just had to share this photo that my assistant Ryan has posted on his Facebook wall of…yes…that is Britney Spears. – FACEBOOK Thank you Cathy Horyn from The New York Times, On The Runway, for sharing this gem. – YOU TUBE In other Lindsay… Read More »