Posts Tagged «CFDA»

Fashion Targets Breast Cancer T Shirt & CFDA
Have you purchased your T-Shirt yet?… Read More »

A GAP In How To Manifest Destiny
Hey, we all make mistakes, but one might suggest Wikipedia-ing everything slogan on Earth prior to going to print.… Read More »

The Halston Hullabaloo
Gee, tell me something that I couldn’t have told you over a year ago when the Halston land grab was originally getting under way. Women’s Wear Daily reports that Sarah Jessica Parker and Harvey Weinstein are out at Halston. Why isn’t anyone saying, “Why were they in, in the first place?” The celebrity fashion designer phenomenon was in full boom right after the economy tanked and by 2010, there were more celebrities hawking schmattas then members of the CFDA. My guess is that all it takes are two lame seasons and the proof is in the pudding. Sure, there will… Read More »

Resort Collections Resort To This
When the economy took a nosedive that fateful Fall of 2008, an emergency meeting of the CFDA was called at the FIT Auditorium. There was a moving sense of togetherness that brought all the most powerful fashion titans and icons to their knees and admit, “What the hell are we gonna do?” Many suggestions were made from curtailing shipping too early so that retailers would refrain from early mark downs to limiting images released on the internet. Those went over like a lead balloon, but they were sorta good ideas. One of the exciting turns of events since then has… Read More »

The news that Patrick Robinson was fired last week from the Gap was not that shocking. The Gap has had a few cute moments since Patrick arrived on the scene, but consistency was lacking. You don’t need me to ramble on and on about what did not work during his reign, but I am happy to suggest a few key bits that should be taken under serious consideration if they really want to revitalize the brand. First things first let us identify the key times that we “fall into the Gap” with full intention, because Lord knows, when you are… Read More »

Fern Mallis Honored By Pratt Institute
It’s odd not seeing Fern at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, but then again, I had issues adjusting to the second Darrin Stevens on Bewitched. Guess we all have to just move on. … Read More »
Madam Gaga and the Twinzees, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, will be all up in the CFDA Awards this year. Stay tuned to the Best and Worst Dressed like we did last year. We called it the CFDA Not Best Dress List.… Read More »
Fashion’s Night Out And About…Thanks Anna
There are millions of opinions about Fashion’s Night Out and half of them belong to me. My client, the Meatpacking District, was agog with festivities, in the streets, in the stores, the energy was palpable from the second the clock struck 6PM. It was like New Year’s Eve came early…only with shopping. Did you buy something? I did. Everyone that participated in Fashion Lives Downtown did a fantastic job and this new found retail holiday needs to happen every month. Maybe not with such a fervor and expense. But Fashion’s Night Out needs to be monthly. Period. Retailers needs more… Read More »
It’s Super-Fashionista
Faster than a speeding publicist… More powerful than a glossy editrix… Able to leap tall models in a single bound. Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird… It’s a plane… It’s Super-Fashionista. Yes, Super-Fashionista, the new sub-human that has cropped up since the CFDA starting centralizing New York Fashion Week under the Tents at Bryant Park. Super-Fashionista. Once a lowly wanna-be…now a self-proclaimed stylist/blogger/insider/personal shopper. Two years ago, Super-Fashionista only wondered what it would be like to hang around the inner sanctum of fashion victim-land, a.k.a. the tents. Now, they are a welcome force to be reckoned with. Once… Read More »
Anna Wintour Rules
No, I have not yet seen The September Issue yet…film or magazine. I’m going to do the ritual this weekend, see the movie then flip through Vogue. I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again, I think Anna Wintour is fierce. Anyone from Lauren Wiesberger to Maureen Dowd can say what they want about Anna, but they are simply riding her Oscar de la Renta coattails. Having worked for years in Hollywood, inside the inner sanctum of celebrity, you learn really quickly that “those” people are not what they seem. When I moved to Los Angeles, my goal was to… Read More »