Posts Tagged «christina aguilera»

Designer Profile: David Lerner
When Carine Roitfeld’s personal assistant contacted David Lerner requesting several styles of his black leather leggings that she had purchased at Intermix, he knew that he had arrived. His eponymous collection of updated sophisticated basics has become the go-to resource for the sophisticated, confident woman. … Read More »
Pia Gets A Record Deal
In what surely was Pia Toscano‘s luckiest day, last Thursday the stunning songbird got booted off American Idol to a shocked studio audience and a sobbing Jennifer Lopez. But sob not, because Jimmy Iovine signed her for a record deal as soon as the show ended. Here’s the weird bit, on Wednesday night, I had a feeling that Pia was going to get booted off and through all 10 seasons of Idol, I have never called to vote for anyone. Not even Fantasia Barrino. But I was compelled to call that 866 Pia number like a dozen times. When I… Read More »
They screw up the words. Christina Aguilera has been chastised for messing up a few words in The National Anthem. Big friggen deal. It sure beats screwing up the high notes. Meanwhile several states away, Sarah Palin did her usual spewing of nonsense comparing the Obama Administration to the old ad that Hillary Clinton ran about “It’s 3:00 Am, bla bla bla”. What’s great about Sarah Palin is that she loves guns so much, that she has taken to shooting herself in the foot every time she makes a public appearance. She has become her own moose. Speaking of words,… Read More »
OK, so Burlesque is not the best movie ever. And yes, perhaps Christina Aguilera is not our finest actress. Agreed, this camp classic rivals Glitter, the vehicle that made Mariah Carey a laughing stock. But the fact remains, this little musical is as entertaining as any ditsy musical from the MGM musical era, where the storyline is simple, the acting is cartoonish and the music is the only saving grace. But the outright disrespect from the audience at the screening of Burlesque confounds me. The movie opens with Christina alone in a restaurant somewhere in Podunk, with her belting out… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Monday)
This is proof that Britney’s daddy needs to stop overseeing her press. She needed to have those kids of hers in the photos at all times. Not looking like a tangerine. – THAT GRAPE JUICE Eating his own food is what killed Jimmy Dean. This looks like corn dog’s with zits. Brech. – D LISTED Christina wants glommy with one of her dancers. Isn’t that Miley Cyrus’ thing? – MAIL ONLINE… Read More »
Last year at the MTV MOVIE AWARDS, I was astonished at the sheer stupidity of the overall content. Last night, I was less astonished at the stupidity and more amazed at what little fashion walked the red carpet. And when I say little, I mean very little dresses coupled with very little taste. Yesterday afternoon, my freind Audrey Nizen (Creative Director, Bloomingdale’s) and I were lamenting on how stylists have ruined the creativity at awards shows by playing it all too safe. Last night however, there was safety in numbers, and all of which hit the recurring theme of Hootchie… Read More »

Kernels of Music (Friday)
I think Karen Elson is beyond adorable and who doesn’t support a model turned singer/songwriter? – STYLE.COM Let’s stop trash talking Christian Aguilera. Remember this? httpv:// Juliette Lewis will be in NYC on Saturday, August 21. Meet me there. – TICKETMASTER httpv:// Miley Cyrus is officially all grown up. Notice the girl on girl kiss. Are we dealing with an Adam Lambert moment? httpv:// And this song says it all. httpv://… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Wednesday)
Kernels of Dish (Monday)
Why on Earth would Rihanna take 30 grand for just sitting at a club. What is she…A Jersey Shore hag now? Yikes. – DIGITAL SPY Lena Horne…rest in peace. – HUFFINGTON POST Nordstom’s Crack is opening in New York City tomorrow. Looks more like Ross For Less. Just what we need, more downmarket marketing. Yikes. – WWD Christina Aguilera and Leona Lewis to tour this summer. That is hot. Period. – THAT GRAPE JUICE Proving my mom’s philosophy that “there is a cover for every pot” and in this case for every crack. – D LISTED Click here to follow… Read More »