Posts Tagged «golden globes»

Longing For Elsa Klensch?
Style Mavens have become in this decade what fitness trainers became in the 1990’s… a bunch of waiters who wanted another life. Obscure teens with blogs are the new Elsa Klensch and the old Elsa Klensch has gone by way of newspapers. Call me what you want, but I am sad to know that Elsa is less relevant than some Polynesian drag king with an iPad 2.… Read More »
I Mean..What?!? loves a good best dressed list…but there’s nothing like the exact opposite to warm the cockles of our heart. That and Suzy Menkes. Of all the film festivals…and there are millions these days because all you need is a Chamber of Commerce and ta-da…but I digress…the Cannes Film Festival is the one where fashion really matters most. Sure the films are important too, but there’s no red carpet other than the Oscars that commands such drama. Sorry Emmys and Golden Globes…get over yourselves. Anyhoo, I could not help noticing a few fashion faux pas from the AmFAR Benefit…probably… Read More »

I want to be Mary Alice Stephenson when I come back to Earth in my next life. Tall, blond, female, smart, beautiful, industrious, glamorous…need I say more? Either I want to be just like her or a French poodle in a Jewish household on Long Island. Both lives are charmed. I met Mary Alice at a fund-raising event…you see…she is perfect…and we have since kept in touch. Recently, we both were speaking on a panel about the future of the fashion industry. There she was, clad in red Calvin Klein fierceness. I mentioned interviewing her for IMW-TV, though at that… Read More »
Golden Globes?!?
Not sure where you stand with the results of last night’s Golden Globes, but can we all agree that it is a sad state of affairs if The Hangover and Avatar are the best movies of the year. Best Cash Cows? For sure. But Best Movies? Really? I loved Avatar, was thoroughly entertained. Don’t get me wrong, it was a visual masterpiece. The script was a tad hokie. Was it as moving and gut/heart-wrenching as The Hurt Locker or Precious? I don’t think so. This year is surely an upset for Kathryn Bigelow, who totally deserves to win every award.… Read More »