Posts Tagged «Tea Baggers»

Holy Menswear!
What is more delicious than the name of this designer collection in China? Chrisdien Deny does men’s and women’s clothing and accessories and should become the go-to designer for our entire right wing, Christian conservative zealots here in the US. Perhaps they could be the featured designer of choice for the Republican Convention in Tampa. Lord knows those Tea Baggers could use a make-over and do I got a line for them. Sidebar: I bought a baseball jacket in Korea once the said on the applique “All Love Is Need” instead of “All you Need Is Love”. Boy was that… Read More »

Not trying to outdo Barbara Walters, but surely after seeing her choices for Ten Most Fascinating People, I have been advised–and well-advised at that–to create my own annual Ten Most Fotz-inating People since Walters’ choices have been so banal… kinda like the people that grace the pages of I Mean What?!? … Read More »

Picture This

Poor Sarah Palin. Now that she has been marginalized and stuffed back in her Wasilla box, she is desperately trying to claw her way back into some sort of rhetorical relevance by spewing hatred on, what else, Fox News. Any money bet that she had her finger in the reality show deal for Beehive, the hair salon that is credited for her up-dos. The new show, Big Hair Alaska will air on TLC, the network that brought you Sarah Palin killing animals and winking. Coincidence? I don’t think so. The other thing is that she is on contract with Fox… Read More »

NEWS UPDATE (April Fools, no joke) – Before you read yesterday’s story, the big story today is that Donald Trump will get a “morning chat” kind of spot on Fox News, during Fox and Friends. Bold, brash and never bashful is his slogan. Hot. He will appear every Monday, kind of like a Monday morning quarterback. (MARCH 31, 2011) – Anyone that cannot see that Donald Trump is taking the birther stance in regards to Barack Obama does not understand the politics of the Nielsen Ratings. Donald Trump has no interest whatsoever in becoming President of the United States. The… Read More »
I cannot stand Michele Bachmann. She is evil incarnate and crazier than Charlie Sheen.She is the answer to the prayer of crazy toothless zealots that scare the beJesus out of me. She threatens the very freedom that we have enjoyed for years because one thing the Tea Party represents, is a mindset from the 1700s, including a pro-slavery stance. Michele Bachmann was just on Meet The Press, why David Gregory would give that psycho-bitch airtime is beyond me. Then again, with Christiane Amanpour being all sorts of globally fabulous, it proves that NBC has lost its footing with Gregory and… Read More »
Is it me or does it feel like “coming out season” is under way in Hollywood? Since that NOH8 campaign started featuring weird straight people like Rachel Uchitel and Meghan McCain, it seems like gay stars are flying out of the closet in record speed. Ellen Degeneres paved the way for stars to see a clear path to success on television by being out and proud. That, and a few cosmetics contracts make Ellen the high-priestess of gay marketability. It used to be that stars would remain tucked away in the closet for fear of ruining their careers just by… Read More »
Taxes schmaxes. The silliest part of this whole tax drama is how obsessed the Republican and Tea Parties are with how much better off we will be if the very rich get a tax break. Well, naturally the Tea Baggers are all for tax cuts for the rich, because they are so clueless, they think somehow the money will be trickled back to them so then they can finally buy teeth. As as for the Republican’s, well we know that those guys will do anything to oil their fund-raising machine, especially now that the doubly annoying Michael Steele is in… Read More »
Sanity Uber Alles
Lord knows Berlin might have benefited from a sanity rally somewhere between Sally Bowles and the Storm Troopers in the mid 1930’s. It is with a heavy heart that I mention Nazi Germany because I am a first generation American from parents who survived the concentration camps. With all the haters comparing President Obama to Adolf Hitler, I can’t stop thinking about the tone of this election cycle and the violent, reactionary, Tea Party headbangers. Is there a difference between Tim Profitt, the Rand Paul volunteer caught on camera stepping on a woman’s head, than any Nazi who was responsible… Read More »
Serena And Dan Split For Realz
Just wanted to take a much needed frothy gossip break from all these Tea Baggers and report that Blake Lively and Penn Badgely have officially called it quits. Does this mean that what happens on the show Gossip Girl actually foreshadows the real-life truth? I mean, their characters Serena van der Woodsen and Dan Humfrey were an item, kind of the wrong side of the tracks storyline and here we have the real-life break up. I never thought they were a match anyway. Not sure why. No judgment. Just didn’t feel it. Another example of Gossip Girl’s truthiness is how… Read More »