Posts Tagged «The View»

Is John Boehner grand standing about no increase in taxes or will be end up with egg on his face and make that lovely shade of orange… yellow.… Read More »

You cannot believe who is on Baba Wawa’s list for 2011. Fascinating? I call them Fotz-inating. (Etymology of the word Fotz: It started out as a sarcastic reference to something that is or someone that “thinks” they are fascinating. So, it went from, “Oh, you’re fascinating” to “You are fotzinating” to “fotzy balloons” to “fotzy” to the currently, most used…”fotz”.)… Read More »

Toddlers & Tiaras & Tatas… Oh My!
Eden Wood, that fantastic retiree from Scary Tangerine Pageants, who was recently dressed by Marc Jacobs during New York Fashion Week, has gone into the endorsement/personal appearance business. No more competing with screaming, underfed, tykes. Eden is onto bigger and better opportunities like cocktail parties and store openings.… Read More »

NEWS UPDATE (April Fools, no joke) – Before you read yesterday’s story, the big story today is that Donald Trump will get a “morning chat” kind of spot on Fox News, during Fox and Friends. Bold, brash and never bashful is his slogan. Hot. He will appear every Monday, kind of like a Monday morning quarterback. (MARCH 31, 2011) – Anyone that cannot see that Donald Trump is taking the birther stance in regards to Barack Obama does not understand the politics of the Nielsen Ratings. Donald Trump has no interest whatsoever in becoming President of the United States. The… Read More »
The View On Obama
So Barack Obama is going to be a guest on The View. That is more than interesting. Surely, this was David Axelrod‘s idea. Considering how down the line Obama’s ratings have gotten and while I am at it, Axelrod’s recent outing on the Sunday talk shows was less than stellar. Yup, it is time for yet another achy-breaky PR blitz the goal being to Re-Hail to the Chief. Granted, this is probably the worst financial time on the planet and the Administration is doing whatever it can to help our economy, but the war in Afghanistan is putting the nail… Read More »
Literally…No View
Page Six reports about the proposed competition for The View from CBS-TV, you know, that network for old people, starring the lamest choices this side of the falling ashes of Iceland. Get this: Lisa Rinna – She can always lead the plastic surgery topics. Julie Chen – Nepotism…much? Bethenny Frankel – Yikes…like we need to see her on yet another network? Sara Gilbert – Yes, she was dry and funny on Roseanne, but that was 2,000 years ago. Where do I begin? First of all, all four of those don’t add up to one of Joy Behar’s shoes. And while… Read More »
Biden’s Daughter..You Go Girl!
So I just read about the looming scandal involving Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley and her alleged cocaine use. Apparently there is a video being shopped around my her alleged ex-boyfriend. It’s not like this guy has a Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian-like video with her head bobbing on a you-know-what. Ashely’s head in this video is allegedly bobbing on a red straw snorting an alleged line of blow or shall I say alleged white powder. Am I missing something here? This is a scandal? In whose eyes? Word is that this anonymous seller is shopping the video for a reported… Read More »