Posts Tagged «Tom Ford»

Tom Ford: Bitch Stole My Look
Two years ago, the tuxedo started going through a metamorphosis. Solid black was sooo over whereas florals and vibrant colors were becoming the new black in men’s evening wear. Guess who they were inspired by? Moi! For Spring 2014, Tom Ford continues serving up untraditional, elegant formal attire such as this lovely floral printed tux (above). Below is my blog post from August 19, 2011 that references this chic, new look that also, when you scroll down will see that I started this whole trend eons ago…at my Bar Mitzvah. This is simply unfair. Two of the world’s most acclaimed… Read More »

Marc Jacobs To Christian Dior?!?
Paris is burning and I am not talking about Miss Thing and her House of LeBajia or Willi Ninja either. No, word is out that Marc Jacobs may take over the coveted spot at Christian Dior, which would be so fantastic, from a best choice perspective. That job must be given to a press darling, not a competent technician. As the rejiggering gets under way at LVMH, and Celine sweetheart Phoebe Philo is mentioned to replace Marc at Louis Vuitton, that would have the fashion industry have its cake and eat it too—as opposed to “let them eat cake”. This… Read More »
Karl Lagerfeld: Bitch Stole My Look
Stop the presses! Forget the dresses and the heels and the tousles of hair and the glittery eye shadow from the Costume Institute Gala. We have something far more riveting to discuss. What, pray tell is more important that Anna Wintour, Bee Shaffer and Jennifer Lopez combined? Well, Karl Lagerfeld, of course. No, not because of Blake Lively and her cascading red ‘doo or her toga-style Chanel number. Rather, from Karl himself. From the moment Karl stepped onto the Red Carpet wearing that Tom Ford tuxedo, I was awestruck. Why? Well, let us go down memory lane and see the… Read More »
The World According To Tom Ford
Tom Ford, that handsome renaissance man, went on record with a few of the by-laws that make up The Tom Ford Doctrine. Jefferson Hack interviewed him for AnOther Man about being a gentlemen. Let’s just call it the modern day Gentleman’s Agreement. I must say, we do see eye to eye on most things. He believes that: You should be the best that you can be. Check. (I took that suggestion from the Army ad song.) Gentlemen should work. (Check. Even if I had a Sugar Daddy, I would continue with I Mean…What?!?) Manners are very important such as opening… Read More »

Kernels of Dish (Tuesday)
httpv:// Kylie’s new video…what do you think? I am feeling Fire Island Morning Party. Fergie, Fergie, Ferige. Yowza McGee. – D LISTED Liz Taylor is sharing her private letters from Richard Burton with Vanity Fair. A far improvement to the current gay porn cover. – HUFFINGTON POST Cathy Horyn laments that there are no more Tom Fords laying around. – NY MAGAZINE… Read More »

Suzy Menkes and I Agree
Well, shut my mouth. Her royal highness Suzy Menkes…who I adore…wrote an article in The International Herald Tribune (a.k.a. The New York Times Style) about how Fashion Films Became the Hottest New Accessories. Well, girl, I said that on December 1, 2009, when I reviewed Tom Ford’s, A Single Man. I just wanted to say that as someone who admires Ms. Menkes, it warms the cockles of my heart to be on her same page. As someone that works within digital and social media paradigm, we recognize the challenge is to seize the moment and enhance all forms of advertising… Read More »
Shopping At The Movies
There is no doubt that the future holds many keys to the age old question: Where can I find that dress that So-n-So was wearing in that movie I saw last night? As technology marches on, you can be rest assured that the movie going experience is headed in the direction of “escape to the movies for retail therapy”. We are talking about a far more sophisticated situation that what we have now, which is that tacky, knock-off, dress company ABS by Jewish Guy that gets featured on The Insider the night after ever big award show. “Wanna look like… Read More »
Golden Globes?!?
Not sure where you stand with the results of last night’s Golden Globes, but can we all agree that it is a sad state of affairs if The Hangover and Avatar are the best movies of the year. Best Cash Cows? For sure. But Best Movies? Really? I loved Avatar, was thoroughly entertained. Don’t get me wrong, it was a visual masterpiece. The script was a tad hokie. Was it as moving and gut/heart-wrenching as The Hurt Locker or Precious? I don’t think so. This year is surely an upset for Kathryn Bigelow, who totally deserves to win every award.… Read More »

The Emperor’s New Movie
Last night I went to a screening of A Single Man, Tom Ford‘s maiden voyage into film making. There has been plenty of hype around his wanting to be a director since the day he left Gucci five years ago. He made all the right moves, too. Bought a fierce house in the desert near Palm Springs, schmoozed up Bryan Lourd at CAA and totally made the scene in Los Angeles, yet chose New York to launch his signature clothing company. Ford’s return to the schmatta business was a subtle hint that Hollywood was not waiting for the fashion superstar… Read More »